Movie Fight Club

Movies Matter

In times of distress, pain, or upheaval people turn to arts and entertainment for a temporary escape. But more than that, movies touch our heartstrings in ways other forms of entertainment can’t. We’re moved by the images on the screen and the music that sticks with us long after the credits roll. We remember the individuals who sat with us enjoying them in darkened theatres or cozy sofas, and we long to share them with others.

That is why I’ve created the Movie Fight Club.

The Movie Fight Club is a weekly chance to argue pointless movie questions with friends and strangers.

Every week a new movie question is posted. Anyone can enjoy the fight ringside but subscribers get to participate and compete with other fighters answering the question. Whoever gets the most likes on their answer gets the honor of choosing the next week’s question.

Maybe in the grand scheme of things, movies shouldn’t matter but they do, and how we react to them opens up windows to our soul, our desires, and our histories.

Sign up now and join us on this journey.

This day we fight!

Because what could be better than having pointless arguments about movies with strangers on a Saturday morning?

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Looking for a fun new story to share as a family? Check out my book, The Dread Pirate Roberts, my fan fiction sequel to The Princess Bride. New episodes post every Monday. Subscribe to get each episode in your inbox.