Uncomfortable Questions for Candidates on the 4th of July

Here they come, pulling around the block in parade floats, flanked in front and behind by enthusiastic supporters handing out fliers and candy. They’re the 2024 candidates for whatever office — Legislature, Congress, Sheriff, Governor, President. They might work the sidewalk, shaking hands, hoping to gain that human connection that will win your upcoming vote, and a few of them have truly earned it. But most haven’t.

If you’re not sure, consider whether or not you’ve heard them confronted with real questions about election fraud, voter rolls, and electronic voting systems that fail every cybersecurity protocol known to man. You likely haven’t, because practically none of them want to discuss it. That means it’s on us to ask them the uncomfortable questions nobody else will. 

The media won’t do it, Conservative Inc. rallies never mention it, and the debate stages are choreographed to ignore it. It’s up to you and me, so here’s what I suggest:

  1. Write a letter asking your candidate about securing election integrity. I’ve included a form letter at the bottom of this post you can download and amend for your state and its unique issues.
  2. Send it to every candidate, both electronically and via snail mail, so they have to actually hold the paper.
  3. Attend an in-person event and confront them about it. You can find a PDF of suggested questions at the bottom of this post that you can print out and keep with you, just in case you bump into them at the parade, at the gas station, at the fair, etc.
  4. Record your impromptu interview and post it online everywhere you can.

Many of these people seeking elected office have been dragging their feet on the issue of election fraud for years. Many more actively work to derail and even persecute those exposing the truth.

One of these do-nothing candidates for Congress is Nancy Dahlstrom, currently Lt. Governor of Alaska, who consequently is in charge of overseeing Alaska’s Division of Elections. She has done absolutely nothing in office to protect our elections and I suppose that’s exactly what she was installed to do. Moving up to the U.S. House of Representatives is a likely reward for defending a corrupt machine at work.

Will we let her? 

We are the new media, you and I. These people dodge all they want; they can hide behind the doors of corrupt government agencies and faux journalists, but they can’t hide from us, and this summer may be our last opportunity to make them feel the heat of our disapproval. They’ve stolen elections for years, and do so now openly, practically daring anyone to challenge them.

I can’t think of a better way to spend Independence Day.

Dear Lt. Governor Dahlstrom,

What is your plan?

As you may be aware, Alaska’s elections as currently structured are fully dependent on electronic vote tabulation. What is your plan should those electronic measures fail? Have you thought about that?

Alaskans are not accustomed to the dependency mindset. We build cabins off grid, rig machinery to run off whatever we can find, and concoct solutions out of mid-air to solve everyday problems that would cause folks in Seattle or Los Angeles to cry into their kale smoothies. In other words, Alaskans live ready.

If Alaska experiences a massive earthquake on election day, do you have a plan in place to secure and hand count the ballots in every precinct? If the Dominion Voting systems experience massive technical failures such as occurred in Puerto Rico a few weeks ago, are you ready? In that election, both parties reported hundreds of ballots showing inaccurate results with over 700 errors and 350  discrepancies. How will Alaska handle that?

In Arizona in 2022, glitches caused thousands of voters to be turned away to “come back later.” Do you have a plan to deal with that contingency, or even a simple power outage? Do you have a math nerd at the Division of Elections who’s able to run the second round of a Ranked Choice tabulation by hand? And how will you audit any of this?

Alaska’s voter rolls are currently some of the most inaccurate in the country, with around 108% registered voters compared with the population over 18 years of age.

What is your plan to clean up our voter rolls?

Can you verify that each registration is an actual person, instead of a fake entity set up by AI or domestic or international actors with malicious intent? Are you aware that recently 20,000 mail-in ballots were returned as undeliverable in Anchorage? Can you explain that?

What is your plan to secure our election registration and tabulation systems from hacks such as occurred in the fall of 2020?

I understand you recently secured the endorsement of President Donald J. Trump in your bid for Congress. I congratulate you on that, but please understand that this means very little to most Alaskans.

Our current election infrastructure is foolishly dependent on questionable software and third-party associations, like ERIC and the Dominion Voting System, and riddled with security holes. It’s your job to ready Alaska’s defense against threats.

As far as we can tell you’ve been derelict in doing so. But there’s still time, and as you campaign this summer, expect to be confronted in person, on video, with hard questions about it.


Vince Guerra

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