Drawing Rooms and Coffee Houses: Strategizing For The Next Fight

It’s good to take a step back once in a while and see what the mainstream media is reporting. It’ll make you angry, and almost certainly you’ll weep for society’s dunderheads who lap that stuff up. But it will provide some insight, and with that you can best formulate your next attack.

For example, there is nothing in the news about the most overtly stolen election in modern history. Not a peep. There’s nothing there about strategically faulty machines that prevented thousands from voting in pinpoint battleground states. Nothing being reported about U.S. taxpayer money being laundered via Ukrainian donations to U.S. candidates, except for a few articles cheering about how much money Tom Brady lost in the company that did the laundering.  There’s nothing about 600,000 ballots getting dumped at 1:00 am in Michigan, nothing about the math-defying proportions in races all over the country, nothing about ballot harvesters and drop box cheating. Nor is there anything about the three million Brazilians in the streets fighting their election fraud. Nothing about the courts documenting the FBI lying and setting up false flag operations.

Nothing about any of that. The media masters don’t want you to know about any of it. Most of the people you know have stumbled into that pit.

Instead of overwhelming evidence of massive crimes, here are type of garbage headlines that most of the nation is getting:

Is Trump past his expiration date?
Kevin McCarthy: A feckless GOP leader we can get behind!
Russia is just The Worst
Kari Lake is a loser. Ha Ha.
New Covid strain [insert something scary sounding] will kill trillions this month

GOP in disarray; also, DeSantis is awesome
Guns killing people, like all over the place

This is what they want you talking about – anything other than the fact that elections in America are fully fraudulent and that we have a moral obligation to say so. But who’s willing to fight?

Not the GOP. The Republican party long ago ceased caring about election integrity. Even the Republican candidates who clearly had their elections stolen – Mehmet Oz, Tudor Dixon, Matt DePerno, Doug Mastriano – people with intimate knowledge of the fraud modus operandi are waving the white flag. They’ve given up the fight, they’ve got nothing left.

If they won’t fight to reclaim the voice of the people, why should you and I? Are we simply destined to accept our fate as powerless slaves to globalist masters who will destroy anyone who steps out of line?

How many of the people you call friends at church or on Facebook, or the strangers you associate with on Twitter, at ballgames, at the grocery store, in airports, or at school functions have no clue that elections are dead in America? An easier number to calculate is how many of those people do know it – can you count them on one hand? I’ll bet you can.  

Based on the radio silence I’m hearing I’d have to conclude that for most of country, elections don’t matter anymore because nobody in power is protecting them. Nobody in law enforcement is investigating them. Judges aren’t entertaining challenges to them. Pastors aren’t addressing them, political parties aren’t disturbed by them, people aren’t posting about them, and most people don’t understand them.

We’re in one of those pivotal moments in history where an uneducated populace needs convinced that they’re under attack. They need to know that the once vaunted freedom we so carelessly luxuriated in hangs by a thread. Who’s going to tell them, and how are we going to convince them?

Let’s do an experiment:

Pause from reading this in your browser, and open your text app. Text your pastor or a few of your closest friends and ask them what they think about the election. Then come back and read the rest of this while you wait for their replies.

Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Now, note what you get for replies. Are any of them aware of the election fraud? Did they even vote? Do they believe the results? Are any of them incensed? Are any of them – especially those in leadership roles – speaking up about it online, preparing sermons about it, or demanding accountability over it? Are they prayerfully seeking God’s direction about it?

If after reading those replies you’ve discovered a team of allies willing to work the problem, great. It’s time to get organized and make some waves. Talk to friends and neighbors, call elected (I use that term loosely) officials and ask them what they plan on doing about fraudulent election machines or the new mountain of evidence that’s days old and so rotten is already smells. Write articles and post on social media. Post videos on YouTube or start your own website to host those videos YouTube won’t allow.

However, if after reading those replies you discover most of those folks haven’t a clue what’s happened, didn’t vote, or mopingly bemoan the results and have moved onto other things, then you know how the founding fathers felt in 1775. You’re saddled with both a weight and responsibility to teach those people about what’s going on and to lead them in caring about it. And you better pray up because you’re likely nowhere near as educated and articulate as those founding fathers (I’m certainly not) but you’re no less in danger. You’re even more so, because now the enemy has its spywear in your hand practically 24/7.

But don’t fear them, you were designed for this fight. God chose you to make it – not your kids, not your grandkids, not your parents – you. So, get your big boy pants on and find your people. If you’re reading this the Lord has likely called you to it. I’m sorry, and I know it sucks, but that’s just the way it is.

Ask Him where to go from here. Get together in coffee shops and in front of fireplaces in homes this winter to discuss and decide what you and they can do about it. Get on the drawing board and sketch out ideas. Those empty suits sitting in state legislatures aren’t going to help us. Even the ones who might be helpful are likely just struggling to hold on. They’ve got plenty on their plates and they need our help, not the other way around. Contact them, but don’t rely on them.  

This election may spell the end of the American experiment, but I don’t plan on losing it without a fight. If you want my country, come and pry it from my fingers. We may go down the same path of other former empires who lost their moral compass and took their eyes off God, but we’re not quite there yet. Let’s ask Him and find out.

Given how far those running America have fallen into treachery, debauchery, and complacency, it may be God’s plan to sink the ship. His pillar of cloud may have moved on, settling on another nation – one that still honors the things He calls righteous, like not cheating or lying or stealing. Like Brazil perhaps, where protestants, non-denominational Christians, and Catholics are marching in lock step to fight for Godly principles. These are not less important commandments just because governments violate them.  Who’s going to call them out?

First, the church. At least, that’s how it should be.

Start fighting for these issues and start encouraging others to do the same.

I started this post by discussing what the MSM is talking about. Go ahead and check out CNN, FoxNews, Newsmax, National Review, Yahoo News, Facebook News. A ten-second glance will suffice. Let them run their mouths, and while they’re doing everything to distract you and your mates, we’ll meet, and pray, and get ready for the next fight down the road. And make no mistake, a larger fight is coming, though most of the people you respect don’t know it. They’re sweeping it all under the rug and they believe you’re going to let them, just like last time. They’re mocking you. They think they’ve won, and unless you get in gear and start strategizing your counteroffensive, they’re right.

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Need a break this weekend from the political battle? Do you love movies? Do you love having pointless arguments with friends and strangers about movies? If so, you’ll love Movie Fight Club.

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Here’s a nice summary by Eric Metaxas about why this needs to matter to the church.

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