Questions For Kelly Tshibaka

Let’s get one thing clear. I will never vote for Lisa Murkowski, and I hope everyone in Alaska will join me in retiring her very soon. That then begs the question: Who should we vote for?

The quick answer is anyone else, and a lot of people I respect have settled on Kelly Tshibaka as the obvious choice. Okay, I might have agreed with them a few years ago, but I don’t think matters are that simple anymore. Not for a U.S. Senator, arguably the third most powerful elected position in American government. The prospect of merely voting Lisa out seems fine at face value. I cast my vote for state senator on that same principle (it doesn’t take much to be better than David Wilson) but one must keep in mind that Murkowski’s replacement will be shaping U.S. policy for the next six years. Are you ready to hand over those keys to just anyone who says most of the right MAGA things and checks all the establishment GOP boxes?

The issue of replacing her is not a simple one and I readily admit I don’t have the answers about how well we can trust her. That leads me to my current dilemma and my first question: How much do we really know about Kelly Tshibaka?

If you’ve combed through her website, you probably know that she lived in Alaska as a kid, that she’s pro-life, pro-2nd amendment, and anti-Covid vaccine mandate, and maybe that’s enough. You may also know she claims to be a Christian, is against trans athletes competing against non-trans athletes, and that she’s very pro-Alaska regarding jobs and resource development. I love all of those positions but they don’t really address the most important things we’ve learned about elections and the deep state since 2020.

In any other year, her Time For A Change policy statement might have been enough to win my vote; it still may. But golly, a lot has happened over the last two years that should have taught us to dig a little deeper before putting someone on a pedestal. I recall once doing that with a guy named Sullivan and he didn’t work out too well for us when the stuff hit the fan.

Dan Sullivan’s Legacy

Need I remind you that Dan Sullivan sat on his hands on Jan. 6th and let the greatest crime in U.S. history go unchallenged. In the middle of the night, while state delegations plead for sponsorship of their electoral college challenges, Dan Sullivan sided with the cheaters and the collaborators in the GOP establishment. He and at least eight other senators who had been fully prepared to bring forth the evidence suddenly changed their minds after the events of that afternoon. Has anyone asked Kelly Tshibaka if she would have done likewise? 

Had Sullivan not succumbed to the D.C. swamp long ago, he might have stood for justice and lobbied to investigate the clearly stolen election.

Perhaps I should also remind everyone that Senator Sullivan has been rubber stamping trillion dollar budgets and spending packages he doesn’t even read ever since he got there. Has anyone asked Tshibaka if she would have voted in favor of the 1.5 trillion dollar budget with the hefty Ukraine aid package? Or the 10.6 billion in weapons we’ve been sending them since February? Or the additional 3 billion we’ve just announced sending?

It would be good to know.

Senator Sullivan never mentioned the mountains of evidence of voter fraud rampant in Alaska and many other states. He’s been silent about the J6 political prisoners, corruption in Ukraine, the complete lack of border security, the scandals surrounding the Covid vaccine clinical trials, Hunter Biden’s laptop, and our role in funding bioweapons research labs across the globe. He also has yet to speak out about the weaponization of the FBI and the National Intelligence Community against the American people. As a sitting member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Sullivan could be raising a stink about important matters regarding supply chain issues and vaccine dangers…but he’s not. Would Tshibaka be pounding the desk on these issues? She isn’t right now.

This is what a Senator is elected to do: represent our interests and freedom. They’re not there to get a ton of pork out of the federal budget for pet projects around the state, although that’s the legacy of Ted Stevens, Don Young, and the Murkowskis. Tshibaka said it was time for a change, didn’t she? Is reigning in this kind of overspending on that “change” agenda? Let’s ask her.

The Issues That Truly Matter

Is Kelly Tshibaka speaking on any of those issues I listed above? If so, I haven’t heard about it. That should be very concerning to those of us who hope she will represent us against a D.C. establishment pent on our subjugation and capitulation to whatever tyrannical policy the feds come up with next. While we’re at it, has anyone asked her about the insanity of closing playgrounds and beaches during Covid? Or the deadly consequences of lockdowns and forced mask wearing? We might start by asking her about her husband’s role as a “Social Justice Advocate” in his work with the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, and whether she supported the Covid policies initiated in public schools under his leadership.

Again, if she’s speaking out on these issues, I haven’t heard about it. But I do know her husband is quite proud of the way he got federal funding for increased Covid intervention measures in Alaskan schools. How do you feel about that?

The U.S. intelligence community has been exposed as an enemy of liberty-minded Americans, including congressmen and even former presidents. A U.S. Senator has the power to dramatically increase or limit the federal government’s control over your life and to investigate and stop those things from happening. Dan Sullivan hasn’t done that, but he could. Would Tshibaka? I don’t know because she’s not answering those questions.

The FBI and other intelligence agencies have a long record of defending pedophiles, crime families, and government corruption in all spheres, both national and international.  We now know that these agencies have conducted fraudulent elections in other countries and have paid good money to acquire the software to do so. They’ve facilitated voter fraud on a massive scale including via the US Postal Service and other means with zero accountability, even after being caught red handed time and time again. 

Personally, I’d like to send someone to D.C. who’s never been a part of that legacy of disgrace. Has Tshibaka had any experience with that sort of thing? Well, actually, yes…yes, she does. But what has she done about it?

Mrs. Tshibaka In Washington

I’d like to think she will have the moxie to take on the Deep State from within. I’ve heard people claim that she’s made a name for herself as having done so (more on that later) so let’s take a look at her resumé:

  • Acting inspector general for the Federal Trade Commission
  • Counsel to the Inspector General in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence
  • Served in the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Justice

Does this look like the resumé of an ordinary America First patriot determined to drain the swamp? Or does it look like the resumé of a Harvard-groomed product of Washington D.C. who’s spent her career checking boxes and working with the bad guys to get into a position of enormous power?

Let me reiterate now if it wasn’t clear earlier: I don’t know the answer to this question. I just think we’ve come too far and learned too much about our “elected” officials to ignore the reality of wolves in sheep’s clothing. We need great discernment to think about those decisions and pump the brakes before we start pounding in yard signs. We need to stop living in our flesh and making our political and other decisions without hashing them out in the prayer closet.

Kelly For Alaska?

Think about everything you know about Governor Mike Dunleavy. Now think about everything you know about his administration, the people he surrounds himself with…people like Anne Zink, Kevin Meyer, Gail Fenumiai – you might remember that name, she’s the one who handed Lisa Murkowski her fraudulent write-in victory. Yeah, Dunleavy has her in charge of the DOE. How do you feel about that one?

Is that esteemed cast of characters fighting to rid Alaska of corruption? Who’s selecting these people to drive the bus? Are they allowing doctors, educators, and other professionals to do their work unencumbered by the overreaching hand of state administrators and bad policy? Are they speaking out about Federal overreach and state sovereignty? Are they interested in investigating the 2020 election?

The reason I mention all this is because Kelly Tshibaka was right in the thick of all of that, yet hasn’t discussed it at all. Why not?

Kelly Tshibaka returned to Alaska in 2019 to take a job with the Dunleavy administration as commissioner of the state’s Department of Administration. Two years later she resigned to run against Murkowski, saying she’s “not one of those powerful political insiders” or one of those “D.C. political insiders in Washington, D.C.” I’m pretty sure if I spent 17 years in D.C working for numerous government investigative agencies, I’d be considered a D.C. insider. But I digress.

In June of 2020 she was tasked with investigating the Alaska Division of Elections and came out with a detailed report including seven pages of conclusions and recommendations that nobody is allowed to read.

Wait, what?

Yes, you read that right. Kelly Tshibaka is intimately aware of everything that is wrong with elections in Alaska…and she’s never mentioned it once. Why?

It’s just another of the many questions nobody seems to be asking Ms. Tshibaka. I can’t help but wonder if that is exactly the way the GOP establishment wants it. Could it be that, seeing the writing on the wall, the deep state recognized they needed one of their own to replace Murkowski? Perhaps they looked around the pool of their own for someone with the bare minimum ties to Alaska, someone who’s been marinating in the D.C. swamp her entire life, someone they know they can control because she’s one of them and not one of us. I believe it’s a real possibility, but she could prove me wrong and she could do it today, but that would require answering a few questions. Even one or two would be nice.   

Questions for Kelly Tshibaka

1. Why is “A Review Of The Effectiveness And Security Of The Division Of Elections In Administering Alaska’s Elections,” that you authored as a public servant of the state of Alaska on July 11th, 2020 not a publicly accessible document?

2. What is the state trying to cover up in redacting all seven pages of findings and recommendations?

3. Given your role with data collection and investigations within the Inspector General of the U.S. Postal Service, how can you deny knowledge of the Internet Covert Operations Program (iCOP) that the USPS was using to spy on Americans while you were there?

4. Why did you hire longtime AK GOP establishment champion, Randy Ruedrich, as your campaign treasurer?

5. You have intimate knowledge of Alaska’s election systems. Why were the Dominion voting machines – which enable vote switching, fractional voting, and have been proven as vulnerable to hacks with little effort – purchased for use in Alaska?

6. Did Governor Dunleavy and Anne Zink act properly or improperly with respect to Alaska’s healthcare protocol?

7. Your husband promotes himself as a “Social Justice Advocate” in his work with the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development. Do you share that designation and support his funding and Covid protocol priorities while in that organization?

8. Why did you and your husband both leave lucrative jobs in the D.C. area in order to take lower paying jobs in Alaska, but now want to return to D.C. after only three years?

9. Why has the Alaska Division of Elections stonewalled all efforts to uncover irregularities in the 2020 election?

10. Who is responsible for destroying the ballot signature envelopes from the 2020 election in violation of state law?  

11. If you were a sitting senator on Jan 6th, 2020, would you have sponsored the electoral college challenges brought by the House delegations of Arizona, Pennsylvania, and others? Or would you have joined the eight U.S. Senators who turned their backs on those challenges at the last minute?

12. Should the FBI, NSA, DOJ, and other intelligence and federal agencies be held to account for their crimes of spying and/or persecuting the American people?

13. Should we continue to fund the Federal Department of Education?

14. Should we prosecute the FBI agents who hid the Hunter Biden laptop details, spied on candidate and later President Trump, and covered up for US Gymnastics pedophile Larry Nassar?

15. Should we be holding senate investigations on the adverse events and clinical trials associated with the Covid vaccine?

16. What would you do to seek justice for the J6 political prisoners?

17. Did you get the Covid vaccine?

I sent Tshibaka an email a few weeks ago asking her a few of these questions. Usually when an honest candidate is running against an incumbent, they’re quick to make contact because they know every vote matters.

I got no response, so I sent it again. Still no response.

That doesn’t bode well for the prospect of an open and transparent relationship that we the people should demand from those promising to represent us against D.C. politics as usual. But it’s par for the course for deep state administrative types and swamp dwelling senators. Typically, they catalog your inquiries with an online form followed up with a patronizing letter that doesn’t answer your questions.

But maybe Tshibaka will be different. So far, it sure doesn’t look like it.

We need to be asking deeper questions of the people who want to represent us. We’ve learned the hard way that when the rubber meets the road, most of these political types fold like a house of cards. I hope and pray that Kelly Tshibaka isn’t merely a deep state plant but I have a hard time believing otherwise…unless she’s willing to speak and act in a manner opposite of them. So far we haven’t seen it.

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Declaration of Dennis L. Montgomery, former CIA and NSA contractor, filed against former FBI Director James Comey for allegedly jettisoning an investigation of his report of massive government surveillance of private citizens made two years ago.

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