2000 Mules: More Proof That Biden Lost

Everyone knows that Joe Biden didn’t get 81 million votes. Never Trumpers and GOP hacks ignore the details of that assertion because they’re fine with the outcome. But for those of us who still care about justice and the law, the fact that Biden’s official vote total was fraudulent will never get swept aside. He lost, and we can prove it. We’ve done so time and time again. 

While the conservatives in America are distracted with war porn in Eastern Europe, nurturing a new found cuddlefest with Twitter, hysterical about an unprecedented!!!  SCOTUS leak, and harboring delusions of a conservative wave of uncompromised candidates in the mid-terms, a new movie is quietly premiering in theaters this week across the nation with a streaming release this weekend. 

Dinesh D’Souza and True The Vote have produced the documentary 2000 Mules, detailing the ballot harvesting and drop box stuffing with video evidence. It’s likely you’ll not hear much about it unless you search it out. IMDB’s page has scant information on it and no description. You can order the book on Amazon, but not the film. In the world of Fandango and Rotten Tomatoes it doesn’t even exist, though you can find a theatre showing it this week in most major cities. This is by design. 

“Highly respected Dinesh D’Souza, working together with Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote, just released a trailer to their new movie, “2,000 Mules,” that shows the world exactly how the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged and Stolen. The movie exposes the lies of the Democrats, RINOs, and Fake News who say it was the “most secure election in history.” It was, perhaps, the least secure in history. The ballot box was stuffed, and stuffed like never before—and it’s all on video. Ballots were trafficked and sold in a massive operation in each Swing State. The evidence is so damning, what will the cowards who sat and did nothing about the stolen election say now? The way our votes were taken away is a disgrace to our Nation. It must be fixed.”

– Donald J. Trump

So while many are pearl-clutching about a potential Roe v. Wade ruling and waiting with baited breath for the next MSM story to direct our attention, stop by the 2000 Mules webpage and find a theatre near you.  Always lean into the things that Fox News, the GOP, establishment Republicans, and the entire film industry don’t want us to know about. 

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