The Bad Guys: Part IV, The GOP

I voted for Bill Clinton once. I’m not proud of it.

At the time, I didn’t put much thought into voting decisions; he was the Democrat, and Republicans were the bad guys. I bought what he was selling and went on with my life.

A few years later the tables turned. I changed and started voting for Republicans. I was convinced the Democrats were evil, or stood for evil things, which was much the same. Through both seasons of life, I thought the political party of the candidate was a decent barometer – checking the R or D after the candidate’s name was a decent rule of thumb for making quick decisions on limited information.

I don’t believe that anymore, and probably never should have. Neither should you.

Most people treat their political candidates like a line of clothing; we know how our favorite brand usually fits and we bank on the odds we’ll be satisfied with the purchase. Likewise, political decisions are often casual decisions linked to a brand. If you’re a Chevy guy you don’t buy Fords. Apple gals don’t buy Androids. But once you strip away the flashy advertisements, line them up and remove the labels, you might realize they’re not all that different. Worse, you may end up with the opposite of what you thought you were paying for.

Still making those political decisions by brand? How’s that working out for you?

The GOP Is a Disgrace

Politically speaking, most of us have been peddled cheap Chinese imitations at a premium price. The past two years should have made that perfectly clear as Republican officeholders sold one freedom after another down the river. Their ineptitude over simple moral issues and their silence over dramatic assaults on our freedom was sickening.

Cities burned, monuments were dismantled, and they cowered. When video evidence of Planned Parenthood selling baby organs surfaced, Republicans shook their heads in fake outrage, then did nothing about it. They let agenda-driven madmen censor scientific reality and dictate health policy. Worse than that, GOP morons joined them outright, donning the shackles of tyranny and spending your money to market it. GOP governors capitulated to corrupt Federal agencies for over a year before finally pushing back…but only a little, long after the damage was done. Republican leaders shrugged as Democrats and tech billionaires tossed election laws on the bonfire along with books, movies, podcasts, channels, and individuals deemed racist or dangerous by idiots.

The GOP watched an election pause in real time so that a few million fake ballots could be created literally overnight, and literally out of thin air.

The GOP threw the president under the bus and ignored mountains of criminal evidence of election fraud. They cheered and participated in a disgraceful and pathetic impeachment effort. They have sat in the stands admiring the FBI warring with the American public. They persecuted hundreds of patriotic Americans who tried to expose the lies and have abetted their abhorrent incarceration for two years.

There is a simple reason for all of this: The Republican party isn’t that different from the Democrats, and neither party cares about you.

The Uniparty

We were conditioned to believe there are two unique political parties: Democrat versus Republican. In reality there is one political party, unnamed and hegemonial in power – a uniparty where the R’s and Ds on the name plates are merely organizational markers to instruct on which pool of societal dupes to tap into. And there are millions of dupes who will give money to someone based on that R or D, and only that designation.

Republicans have been mostly indistinguishable from the Democrats for the last few years. Occasionally they talk a good game on abortion, sometimes even pass some marginal pro-life legislation, but that’s cold comfort when they allow employers to force sterilize you and your kids with a dangerous injection nobody needs and hardly anyone wants. Or when they allow muzzling and the shoving of sticks up everyone’s nose, prerequisite for going to a gym, going to school, or getting treated for a broken arm.

What did those Republican lawmakers do about hospitals that unnecessarily ventilate patients against their will and pump them full of toxic drugs? The answer: Nothing.

What are the majority of Republican legislatures in your state doing about internet-connected, third-party maintained and secretly-serviced voting machines that multiple hackers have demonstrated can be compromised with a cell phone?

Did you know they could do that? My guess is you probably didn’t because those Republican stalwarts of limited government who campaigned on Constitutional rights, with flags waving in all of their ads, have spoken nary a word about the media blackout of unapproved stories.

Go ahead and do a Google search of all the times your Republican leader has spoken out about the crimes committed in the 2020 election – the one that put many of them in office. Every state saw multiple election laws broken. I’ll bet my bottom dollar your representative hasn’t mentioned it once. Check.

While you’re Googling (or Duck Duck Go, who sold-out to media censorship recently so it makes little difference), find out if that Republican you gave money to has done anything to end medical tyranny in your state.

If they once affirmed your right to buy (and your pharmacies right to dispense) Ivermectin or HCQ, are they doing anything to enable you to do so? No, they’re not, because they either lied to you or they’ve moved on to issues they care more about…like funding unions or virtue signaling in favor of corrupt Eastern European regimes.

What are the GOP leaders in your neck of the woods doing about vaccine mandates and mask requirements? Are they just paying lip service, or do they actually show some chutzpah when the rubber meets the road – like when the speaker brings up a floor vote, or when an actual leader seeks allies in standing up on your behalf?

Check to see who those Republicans pal around with, side with, and what they have to say about fellow Republicans who are brave enough to stand up while they sit with defeated expressions in cozy chairs and compromise yet another principle and vote against your family.

Check to see if your local Republican has spoken about human trafficking, or if they’ve addressed Disney grooming your children into deviant sexual lifestyles, or its long association with notorious pedophiles.

Ask them if the 2020 election was secure, and when they say yes, ask them why they’ve refused to allow a forensic audit of the machines.

Ask them if they got the vaccine and continue to promote its endless boosters. It’s an intelligence test at this point, and a highly accurate one.

The sad truth is that there is no reliable differentiation between the Democrat and Republican parties. The GOP platforms are written in rice paper, dissolving under the buckets of lobbyist cash as fast as the promises they made to you during the election cycle. Exceptions are rare, and usually marginalized into obscurity. I know a few. A very few.

Election 2022

While it remains a fact that the Democrat party is inexorably and proudly linked with child murder, sky-high taxation, and a bucket-full of sinful positions they do have one thing going for them that the GOP does not: They’re mostly honest about their intent.

Democrats openly proclaim they want to indoctrinate your children and strip you of your rights. They embrace communism, social justice, and open borders. The GOP pretends to be against it but in practice – whether by inaction or outright support – they advocate of all of it.

As the 2022 election season heats up, it’s on us to expose them for what they are. The uniparty owns the media, they own the search engines (even Brave, test it and see for yourself) and social media platforms. They own the voting machines and (though it’s really impossible to tell what extent) they own the courts. But there is still one thing we can do to expose the deep state uniparty members: Ask them some simple questions.

Ask them if the 2020 election was secure.

Ask them if forced injections, masks, or swabs are acceptable.

If they answer yes to any of those questions, you’ve either got a deep state candidate in front of you, or an idiot. Either way, you know what to do with them. If they won’t answer the question decisively, it means yes.

Ask them if they got the Covid jab and whether they gave it to their kids. Perhaps they did and now regret it. Extend grace but require they demonstrate an understanding of the issue in light of the latest information.

If they seem legit, ask them these questions:

Are the voting machines irredeemably designed for fraud?

Which election laws were violated in 2020, and what do you plan to do about it?

Describe the Deep State.

Do governors and sheriffs have authority over federal agents?

What is the Great Reset, and who is administering it?

What should be done about bioweapon research labs in Ukraine and elsewhere?

What do you think of the FBI?

Are the J6 defendants’ political prisoners?

Is Ukraine corrupt?

Of course, it should be understood that before doing any of that, we need to pray. Pray for discernment about the person seeking your vote. God knows the hidden things in their hearts, and He will reveal things to you when you ask Him. He will also direct your inquiries. This is first a spiritual battle. We need to treat it as such. Evil has been unleashed on the world and it knows its time is short. Its wrath is great, but we need not fear it. We can confront it, expose it, and defeat it in the light of truth.

There are leaders across the political spectrum dedicated to keeping that truth hidden; their reasons are varied and possibly more despicable than most people can fathom. We can no longer rely on surface labels when choosing our leaders, nor can we rely on our previous knowledge about them. People change, get disillusioned and bought. Find them, and work to defeat them.

It has always taken time and research to separate the political wheat from the chaff. Nowadays it may even require supernatural discernment to tell them apart.

This is part of an ongoing series titled, The Bad Guys.
The Bad Guys: Part I, History.
The Bad Guys: Part II, Abortion…and Cobra Kai.
The Bad Guys: Part III, The Feds

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