Food Shortages: An Old Tactic for A Modern Tyrant

How much stored food do you need to survive a famine?

Not many of us know the answer to that question, but we should all consider it.

You may have heard about the hundreds of ships anchored off American ports, docks stacked with unloaded freight just sitting there for weeks. The reasons for this disruption of the supply chain aren’t entirely clear; it depends largely on who you get your news from, but nobody denies it’s real.

The trickle-down effect of lockdowns, lack of dockworkers, lack of truck drivers, environmental regulatory stupidity, vaccine related layoffs or walkouts – all of these are legitimate factors of the supply disruption. True, the shipping industry has been hamstrung by the lingering effects of the Covid lockdowns, and growing number of Americans have left their jobs reluctantly, unwilling to submit to a dangerous gene therapy experiment that’s killed and maimed thousands. Additionally, burdensome labor practices designed to force out skilled, independent truckers are fueling the exodus. All of these are issues that could be fixed today with the stroke of a pen. But they’re not, because they’re manufactured. Somebody wants this to continue more than they want to solve it.  

The question we should all be asking is not “What is causing the problem?” The question we should be asking is, “Why isn’t anyone fixing the problem?”

The answer to that question may take us somewhere we’d rather not consider. But we need to examine it because history indicates the shortage may be intentional. All of this has happened before. Supply shortages are deadly for you and me, but they serve a valuable purpose for despicable humans who want to cash in – politically and monetarily – on a manufactured crisis. He who controls the food supply controls the people, and those in charge of America’s food distribution and production are working against We the People.

Just ask a few farmers.

Before we examine the history of manufactured supply issues, let’s first spend a few minutes discussing farms. Have you heard about what’s happening to American farms? I doubt many people know that the USDA is paying farmers to destroy their crops. Sure, we all heard about farmers having to destroy crops during the lockdowns for lack of restaurant demand. This is different. This year the government is paying them not to grow food. They’re either given ridiculously high financial incentives to mow their fields or plant cover crops, or forced to do so by withholding subsidies. In other words, they’re given the shakedown.

Some people claim that the notion of the government paying farmers to destroy their cash crops is nonsensical conspiracy theory. Let’s look at the USDA’s official documents then, shall we?

“Under the Biden-Harris Administration, USDA is engaged in a whole-of-government effort to combat the climate crisis and conserve and protect our nation’s lands, biodiversity, and natural resources including our soil, air, and water. Through conservation practices and partnerships, USDA aims to enhance economic growth and create new streams of income for farmers, ranchers, and private foresters. Successfully meeting these challenges will require USDA and our agencies to pursue a coordinated approach alongside USDA stakeholders, including State, local, and Tribal governments.    USDA touches the lives of all Americans each day in so many positive ways. In the Biden-Harris Administration, USDA is transforming America’s food system with a greater focus on more resilient local and regional food production, fairer markets for all producers, ensuring access to healthy and nutritious food in all communities, building new markets and streams of income for farmers and other producers using climate smart food and forestry practices…”

The U.S. Department of Agriculture – Washington, Oct. 12, 2021

Translation: “Farm the way you want, lose your farm. Destroy your food crops and do what we tell you, keep your farm…for now.”

Question: What new streams of income is the USDA referring to? What is a potato farmer going to grow to produce a new stream of income?

Answer: A different kind of crop as designated by the USDA. Perhaps something like a genetically modified tomato, or a new kind of smartfood developed by the nation’s leading mad scientists. Or maybe nothing at all. Wait and see.

The fact remains that under the guise of soil preservation , the government is giving them a financial incentive to not grow crops, voluntarily of course – just like that “voluntary” Covid injection that will cost you your job if you reject it.

Farmers are stuck with one option: compliance. Out go the potatoes. Food shortages are coming, and they’re not merely due to fertilizer issues.

But why would anyone intentionally create a food shortage, or a supply shortage of any kind, for that matter?

I cannot speak to the maniacal motivations of evil men. All I can do is point out that it’s happened before.

In the early 20th century, Ukraine was the breadbasket of Europe. Ukrainian farmers had this quaint notion that they could do whatever they wanted with their farms, and Ukrainian citizens fought to preserve an independence throughout the chaos inflicted by Czars and Communists across eastern Europe. By 1929, Joseph Stalin was in control and those pesky Ukrainians were still preaching independence. Stalin decided to put them in their place, first by persecuting the scholars, writers, and religious leaders who refused to submit to government mandates, and then by executing them or locking them up on trumped up charges of inciting insurrection.

Where have I heard of that tactic recently?  

The Soviets initiated a system of agricultural collectivism – meaning, the state controlled what was grown and who received it. Ukrainian farmers rebelled by refusing to turn over their farms and instead let their wheat and oats wither and die in the fields. Stalin decided to make them pay for such defiance with their lives. He deliberately over-exported food out of the Ukraine and into other Soviet territories, leaving the Ukrainians to starve to death. And starve they did, to the tune of 7 million adults and 3 million children. Emergency supplies sent by western nations were turned away at the border and diverted to areas already bursting with surplus. History calls it genocide, but “supply chain disruption” sounds less nefarious when the media uses it today. Then, like now, people were easily duped by the media.

Concerned westerners who cried foul were given highly coordinated tours of the Ukraine under Soviet escort. Upon returning, the easily duped fact-checkers – like writer George Bernard Shaw and former French Premier Edouard Herriot – reported that the so-called Ukrainian famine amounted to little more than a conspiracy theory. Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times reporter Walter Duranty wrote “…All talk of famine now is ridiculous.”

Independent fact-checkers have determined that reports of Soviet genocide are fake news.

We now know that foreign diplomats knew the truth. Nonetheless, western leaders like U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt looked the other way, and even negotiated lucrative trade deals with the Soviets. The manufactured food shortage was of little concern to those in power who stood to gain financially from the death of millions.

You might wonder what kind of people negotiate economic and trade alliances with nations committed to killing and imprisoning their own people. I wonder why Americans continue to vote for such people, and why Americans continue to get their news from proven liars.

A supply chain disruption is an invaluable tool for those who know how to wield it. They’re called Communists and they’ve been in control of academia, trade, the western media, technology, and a large portion of the American distribution sector for years. Now, they’re in control of Washington D.C.

Is it any wonder, then, that we suddenly see the old tactics of control and subversion rear their ugly heads?

You might call me an alarmist. That’s fair. I’m here to sound the alarm because if the last roll of toilet paper disappearing off the shelf didn’t sound your internal alarm last year, then you’re in for a rude awakening when the last bag of potatoes disappears the next time. So, call me an alarmist conspiracy theorist all you want, just don’t call me uninformed.

Just like concentration camps, segregation, and government paper requirements for travel and food purchases, all of this has happened before.

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