My Letter To Senator Sullivan

[The following is my letter to Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan, regarding the 2020 election. You have my permission to copy any of all of this and amend it in letters to your respective representatives.]

Dear Senator Sullivan,

I am an Alaskan. I have voted for you to represent me twice, and thus far I have never regretted that decision. I ask that you reflect on that relationship as you consider what I am about to write.

I am disturbed, but more than that I am disheartened. Never in my life have I witnessed such wanton disregard for the rule of law as I have in the year 2020. I was brought up believing that the authorities in charge of governing our society — law enforcement, courts, elected officials — were only ever concerned with evidence and truth, and that they would follow that evidence wherever it led.

I watched movies like Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and had romantic notions that a good citizen in the right place could stand up for we the people even if a mountain of gold funded the seemingly insurmountable mountain of lies levied against them.  

I read the tales of great individuals who defied entrenched power structures when nobody else would men like Martin Luther, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and William Wilberforce, and imagined that similar figures would rise when future crises demanded it.

That time is now. 

There was a time when we the people believed that our vote mattered. We believed that the FBI, Department of Justice, and state and local officials would step in at the first sign of election malpractice. We believed the slow gears of government understood that some things — like the sanctity of the vote — was one of those linchpins upon which every facet of civilization hinged. We believed our courts would take the evidence we the people provided and, at the very least, look at it before rendering judgement. That is not happening.

We believed that federal investigators would seize voting machines, paper ballots, and surveillance video to ascertain the validity of what we the people saw with our own eyes. We believed they would conduct interviews with those brave whistleblowers willing to sign affidavits under threat of perjury. We believed they would call in forensic experts to examine the evidence. That is not happening.

We believed our elected officials would stand up and demand a full, detailed accounting of the voter rolls, the signatures, the statistics, and the records. That is not happening.

But Senator Sullivan, you can rectify the ineptitude of others. You can step up and lead, with the assurances of your constituents behind you, as one who would not sit idly by while the foundations upon which the republic was built are demolished under our feet. You can ensure that the evidence is heard. You can ensure that the courage of the American people is not squandered, that those who fought and sometimes died to defend America from all enemies, foreign and domestic, are not betrayed by the tyranny of the few.

I, as a citizen of the state of Alaska and of the United States of America, formally request that you challenge the electoral college results and present the evidence of rampant voter fraud in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Arizona to your colleagues. Furthermore, I ask that you challenge the individual electors from those states as potentially fraudulent in accordance with the U.S. Constitution, Article II section 1, until those states’ legislatures can perform a full accounting and proper certification of those states’ elections.

We need you to stand up and allow that evidence to have its day. We need you to stand up for Alaska because some of us believe there are still good men and women who value the truth more than their committee assignments, and who believe that there are some things left worth fighting for. 

I have faith that you do as well.


Vince Guerra

Wasilla, AK

You can email Senator Sullivan here.