Six Snipers

Indian Ocean
8 April, 2009

Three U.S. Navy SEAL snipers perched on the fantail of a guided-missile destroyer, the USS Bainbridge, their sights dialed-in on an enclosed lifeboat trailing in the Bainbridge’s wake. Peeking out the windows of the lifeboat, three Somali pirates considered what to do with their lone hostage, Richard Phillips, captain of the container ship MV Maersk Alabama.

Each sniper centered his sights on a different window, his finger on the trigger, awaiting the signal that would indicate all three snipers had a clear shot at a different pirate.

The SEALs had one goal: free the captive.

They were authorized to use whatever method necessary to accomplish that goal.

Indian Ocean
18 February, 2011

Three U.S. Navy SEAL snipers watched from the guided missile destroyer USS Sterett as nineteen Somali pirates held four Americans hostage on the top deck of the yacht SY Quest.

Only four of the pirates were armed, and these four were standing in the open. Four simple shots would end the crisis and free the hostages.

The SEALs had one goal: free the captives.

From Florida, the general in charge of Joint Special Operations Command issued an order to the snipers, “Under no circumstances are you authorized to fire.”

Authority: power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior

Every facet of our lives is governed by an authority.

We report our income, and pay our taxes. We obey laws designed for public safety — like using car seats, driving in the correct lane, and using the proper container for combustible materials.

We move over when a firetruck needs to pass, wait for our boss to send us to break, and follow the rules of engagement, whether we agree with them or not. These are earthly authorities and we submit to them out of necessity, but though these authorities concern themselves with the general welfare or a larger purpose, they are designed to constrain the power of an individual lest that power get out of hand.

There is another authority; He cannot be contained. And though the power inherit in that authority is unfathomable, He who commands it asks (indeed charges) His followers to exercise that power.

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 28:18-19

And then, the real miracle. He empowered his people to exercise His authority, to engage the enemy, enforce His will, and set the captives free.

These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues;

Mark 16:17

And He called the twelve together, and gave them power and authority over all the demons and to heal diseases.

– Luke 9:1

Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

– James 4:7

Too often we forget that we’ve been given the green light. We are weapons free, authorized to use whatever means necessary to rescue those under attack — like a sniper with the enemy in our cross hairs, waiting to pull the trigger.

Every day we watch our brethren being manhandled by an enemy bent on his destruction. What are we to do? What power can we exercise to prevent their demise? What method may we employ?

from the USS Bainbridge, 2009

The lifeboat rocked on the choppy sea, the SEALs held their sights on the windows. Suddenly all three snipers had a pirate in his sights. With bold intent and assurance in their authority, the snipers fired and the captive was freed.

from the USS Sterett, 2011

The SEAL snipers watched through their scopes as the bold pirates became aggravated, then aggressive. They mocked the vastly superior American forces which now included an aircraft carrier and two additional destroyers. The pirates fired an RPG at the huge Navy ship, and still the Americans were not authorized to fire. The weak and inept pirates became enraged, and as the snipers watched in horror, they killed all four hostages.

Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the King.

1 Peter 2:17

In Christ, we’ve been given the authority to speak and watch as He throws mountains into the sea. In Christ, we’re commanded to storm the gates of the enemy and witness them scatter at the mention of His name. In Christ, we’re given assurance of His victory, the tools to wage spiritual warfare, and the authority to call down the fire of Heaven over the earth. And He sets the captives free.

The only question is: What are we going to do with that authority?