Shields Up: Maintaining Clarity When War Drums Are Beating for Israel

A lot of people today have hot takes on the war in Israel. I hesitate to add to the mix because the comfortable perch of distance allows those far removed from the bombs and atrocities to armchair quarterback with ease. That said, a few things warrant commentary lest we watch the Uniparty,

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Poor Stupid Travis: The Disconnect Between Two Americas

“Taylor Swift is one of the most popular women in the world, if not the most popular,” the podcast host said. What? Really? With everything going on in the world right now, Taylor Swift is up there on the global podium? The disconnect between that podcaster’s world and mine was startling, and

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If I Get SWATTED: Ponderings On The American Police State

The police are allowed to lie to you. I know, that sounds wrong but the courts have continually affirmed it over and over. Why? For the same reason that you’re allowed to scream from the mountain tops (or on the Capitol steps) that the 2020 election was stolen: Freedom of speech. Of course they can

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Prepping For The Apocalypse With Seven Kids In Tow: Part III, Bugging Out

Hey, look at that, my truck is skidding. Oh and now I’m sideways on the highway. There’s the snowbank. Aaaand now I’m upside down. It was January 4th, 2014. The only reason I remember the date is because the Chiefs lost the most ridiculous playoff game ever that day. And I was

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With Our Own Eyes: Revealing Conspiracy Fact Through History

One of the first things you’re taught when studying criminal justice is that eyewitness testimony is wholly unreliable. It’s not true. Eyewitness testimony is essential, and defense attorneys and government agents know it. Those with a vested interest in duping large groups of people have maintained this lie – that we can’t

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