Mental illness and psycotropic drugs

Mental Illness: Insane Profits, Lifelong Customers, and Why the Church Should Be Talking About It

On July 24, 1972, biochemist David Wong identified a chemical he called “Lilly 110140,” which was effective in treating mental illness while avoiding the risks associated with the earlier drugs. The experimental drug made by the partnership of Wong, Ray Fuller, and Bryan Molloy was later dubbed Fluoxetine, and in December of

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Movie School: Teaching Through Cinema The Right Way

I’m a movie nerd. Blame it on cable television, or the ‘80s, or Boomer parents who let us Gen-Xers watch pretty much anything we could find. I saw it all, and for better or worse it shaped my worldview. Movies do that, because seeing John McClane jump off an exploding building with

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Setting The Captives Free: Which Ones, Again?

With swift violence, a group of men armed to the teeth swept over homes across the country, beating down doors, forcing men and women out of their beds, and terrorizing their children. Not many people took notice because this wasn’t in Israel, this was right here in the USA, the land of

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Shields Up: Maintaining Clarity When War Drums Are Beating for Israel

A lot of people today have hot takes on the war in Israel. I hesitate to add to the mix because the comfortable perch of distance allows those far removed from the bombs and atrocities to armchair quarterback with ease. That said, a few things warrant commentary lest we watch the Uniparty,

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Poor Stupid Travis: The Disconnect Between Two Americas

“Taylor Swift is one of the most popular women in the world, if not the most popular,” the podcast host said. What? Really? With everything going on in the world right now, Taylor Swift is up there on the global podium? The disconnect between that podcaster’s world and mine was startling, and

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