No organization on Earth is more wary of discussing the vaccine mandates and deadly consequences than the US military, and for good reason. The US military loves reports perhaps more than any other government agency, and has tens of thousands of people employed in writing them, with tens of thousands more sitting around to crunch the numbers. And they’re documenting stats on vaccine injuries that the military brass doesn’t want to hear. With a new administration, I hope that’s about to change.
The number of military deaths and injuries via the Covid vax was immediately evident to many, and by November 27th, 2023, Lt. Ted Macie had had enough. He went public with data that the military had been trying to hide. In a whistleblower video on X, he discussed the Military Health System’s (DMED) data regarding pilots who had received the Covid vaccine.
Here are the increases among that sample demographic:
Myocarditis: 151%
Hypertensive disease: 36%
Pulmonary heart disease: 69%
Heart failure: 973%
Other heart disease: 63%
Cardiomyopathy: 152%
But that was only for pilots. The same database had numbers skyrocketing across all troops:
Myocarditis: 2800%
Various cancers: 300-900%
Infertility (both genders): 500%
Miscarriages: 300%
Neurological conditions: 1000%
Demyelinating disorders: 500%
Water transport accidents: 7,400%
Vehicle accidents: 526%
Slipping, tripping, stumbles, and falls: 471%
The absolute correlation between Covid vaccines and unexplained conditions and deaths in formerly healthy young people is staggering, yet the military didn’t seem concerned then, and remains unconcerned still. At least, publicly.
An equally staggering challenge for the military in 2025 is how to address this.
Compensation for the injured is one facet, force readiness concerns are another, and still another is addressing culpability for the damage done. Officers and administrators falsified data, manipulated databases, violated oaths, and both knowingly and unknowingly poisoned troops. Some of these individuals need prosecuted, others reprimanded and fired. And the time to strike is now, while the iron is hot.
These are important topics with far reaching consequences. President Trump shies away from the issue, and only vaguely hints at “looking into” various aspects of certain shots.
It’s a positive development that both Trump and Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth plan on reinstating service members who were kicked out for refusing the vax—with rank and back pay—but what about the larger scandal? What about the hundred-year history of medical experimentation and administrative cover-ups perpetrated against multiple generations of service members?
Will Hegseth be courageous enough to acknowledge the tens of thousands of vaccine injured service members, current as well as those from past eras? Will the Pentagon agree to support them financially, just like they would with any other injury the troops might incur in the line of duty?
This is especially poignant since it was their own government that harmed them.
Will Trump acknowledge what the vast majority of Americans have come to know, which is that the Covid vaccine was one of worst assaults perpetrated against the American public in history? He’s made good on his promises to declassify the assassination archives. That’s a victory, albeit long overdue. Now let’s declassify the rest of the military’s medical archives. If we’re serious about making things right for our warriors and patriots, it begins by being forthright about what’s been done to them, past and present.
Gulf War Syndrome & Beyond
American service members have always provided an ample pool of human guinea pigs for experimentation. Sometimes troops are witting participants, but usually they’re not. The available archives we’ve managed to pry open reveal a history of egregious violations of medical ethics. But as bad as the once-secret experiments were, perhaps worse is the shady slight of hand performed to escape culpability for injuries that everyone acknowledges.
In 1990 in a run-up to the Persian Gulf War, US, UK, and Australian forces received experimental drugs such as pyridostigmine bromide, and multiple vaccines including ones for anthrax and botulinum toxoid. This was the first time large numbers of troops were openly injected against biological agents. When thousands of Gulf War veterans began suffering what’s now called Gulf War Syndrome, officials began twenty years of research examining the predicament. More than 450,000 troops were injured from myriad illnesses that are, to this day, blamed on everything from depleted uranium, sarin gas, or even oil fire exposure.
Lost in the research is the fact that soldiers who never deployed to the Persian Gulf also suffer from Gulf War Syndrome. Sailors serving on ships far removed from any chemical weapons also came down with these maladies, and many of these cases materialized years after the Gulf War. Curiously, French forces serving side-by-side with their western allies were unaffected by Gulf War Syndrome. The difference: French forces didn’t receive the vaccines.
These experimental vaccine programs increased and by 1997 were being administered in earnest. One of the recipients, Staff Sergeant Sara Boyd, a counterintelligence Special Agent, became so debilitated by 2007 she was medically retired with “Vaccine Immunoglobulin and Antisera Adverse Reaction” — otherwise known as vaccine poisoning.
Having not deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, she didn’t qualify for VA benefits and had to pay over $20,000 to legally prove she was “Service Connected.” Seeing this as a fundamental problem for so many veterans, Boyd started a charity that grew into a data aggregation site: Operation Truth, Toxic Exposure Research.
Her organization and others are dedicated to examining the research of these chemicals, and telling the stories of the effects they’ve had on service members for decades—not merely anthrax vaccines, which most people acknowledge, but also smallpox vaccines and others, which most people don’t.
By 2017, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) cataloged 5,392 reports of smallpox vaccine reactions, including about 3,000 emergency room visits, 670 cases involving permanent injuries, and 17 deaths. There were 8,553 anthrax vaccine reactions. These included about 3,700 emergency room visits, 2,150 cases involving permanent injuries, and 30 deaths.
The US government has never made public the numbers of smallpox and anthrax vaccine injured who have filed and received compensation. Can you imagine the floodgates that would open if the government were to openly admit they’ve been carelessly harming our own troops for three generations or more?
And then there was Covid.
Persecuting The Whistle Blowers
“There is a complete lack of trust in the military ‘leadership’ among those who were not only involuntarily separated, but also those who walked away (including just shy of retirement), those who fought from within but were flagged for promotion, those who didn’t want to take the shot but were coerced…Accountability is the only answer.” — Lt. Ted Macie
A few months after Lt. Ted Macie posted his video on X, he was informed that he was suspected of violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice Articles 92 (Failure to Obey an Order) and 133 (Conduct Unbecoming an Officer).
Since then, scores of military medical officers have retired in disgust or fought the military’s lies about the impact on troop medical safety.
One of those was Nick Bradley:
“I reached out direct to the CDC and I said, we gave a soldier a multi-dose file of anthrax. Are there any adverse affect actions that we need to be looking for? And they sat there and said, we don’t know.
I said, how can you not know? The anthrax has been around since the 1980s. You’re telling me you had no idea? That was my ‘aha’ moment that I didn’t know something about vaccines. Nobody seems to know anything about vaccines…this [was] mind blowing for me because, you know, it didn’t even enter my vernacular. Vaccines bad?”
Nick Bradley was soon relieved of his command for refusing the vaccine and fighting the Covid protocols.
Another officer who found himself in the crosshairs was Lieutenant Colonel Brad Miller, US Army battalion commander, 101st Airborne Division:
“After being relieved of battalion command for non-compliance with the Covid shot mandate and once the government’s legal machinations to conceal their activities were evident, I could no longer reconcile continued service with an institution that was clearly an enemy of the American people.”
The testimonies and whistle blowers just kept coming. There have been more every month since 2021—medics, doctors, surgeons, statisticians, administrators, commanders, lawyers, all looking at the data and coming to the same conclusions:
“I have formulated a professional opinion, which requires me to report those findings to superiors in the chain of command and colleagues in the military. I have done so with mixed results in terms of acceptance, rejection and threats of punishment for so sharing.” — Army flight surgeon, Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, MD, MPH
Military men and women have been dropping like flies—some injured, others killed, all at the hands of a Department of Defense who continues to stonewall them.
But as of this writing we have a new administration, and hopefully a Defense Secretary and a President willing to make things right.
SEALs the Navy Wants to Forget
In 2021, Navy Seaman and SEAL candidate Kyle Mullen died suddenly after completion of Hell Week. The Navy pinned his death on performance enhancing drugs combined with overly brutal training tactics. If performance enhancing drugs were the culprit in Mullen’s death, why has the widespread us of these drugs never produced this degree of widespread cardiac arrest previously in the military? Or for that matter, why didn’t they have the same effects on the athletic world before 2021?
The truth is that these men and women are almost certainly casualties of the military’s assault on all of its own troops via deadly vaccines. Worse, these vaccines were issued for political purposes and financial gain, and as with Gulf War Syndrome and a host of other examples, the military has always been willing to lie to families and besmirch good officers in order to conceal this data.
In 2023, rather than admit the truth in plain sight, the Navy chose to sacrifice the lowest officer in the chain of command to pin Mullen’s death on, BUD/S commander Captain Brad Geary.
That would have been the end of Geary’s career had the landscape not changed inexorably in the past few years. The difference between now and eras past is that many Americans are sick of the lies, and now have the ability to bypass the old media to disseminate uncomfortable truths about our military like never before.
When former SEAL-turned-podcaster Shawn Ryan interviewed him, Captain Geary eloquently summed up the reason why so many military men and women are willing to risk their professions in order to take up arms in a different kind of fight:
“When we have two conflicting principles — ‘quiet professional’ and ‘never back down from a fight’ — at some point we have to prioritize those principles into a hierarchy, and compromise one for the other. And I think it’s appropriate for me to compromise being a silent professional right now, even though I’ve shown a career of being in the shadows and quiet, for why we’re going to come forward and what we’re going to say. It’s important and it’s been suppressed.” — Captain Brad Geary, The Shawn Ryan podcast
And thanks to that exposure, the military was forced to back down. In October of 2024 they dropped charges against Geary, just a few months after his appearance on the show. Perhaps we’ve finally reached the point in history where the truth is uncontainable.
Warriors like Brad Geary, Ted Macie, Brad Miller, Theresa Long, Nick Bradley, and literally hundreds more are taking their stories directly to the American people, bypassing the controlled media and demanding the military to account for the crimes committed against them.
Now that President Trump is in office again, the ball is finally back in what is hopefully a just court.
Will Trump finally acknowledge the deadly nature of the Covid vaccine? Will he admit it was the single greatest failure of his previous term? Getting Trump to acknowledge the long, deadly history of vaccines, mRNA technology, and genetic modification may take a miracle, but with enough pressure, we’re daily seeing what We The People can accomplish.
Humility is the hallmark of a great leader, and repentance is the best way to break the strongholds of the enemy. I pray Pete Hegseth will lead the charge, opening the files and bringing the hammer down on those who perpetrated and were complicit in this assault. And I pray President Trump will prove teachable, and make things right for those who bear the burden in their own bodies for the hasty decisions of 2020. The buck should have stopped there.
A collection of military members have crafted a draft Executive Order that will hopefully reach President Trump’s desk, and soon be adorned with his signature.
Perhaps only miraculous healing will restore the bodies of our afflicted warriors. But accountability and honesty can restore the military they once served, and those are far overdue.
As Captain Geary stated, many veterans are quiet professionals. They seek neither handouts nor recognition—it’s the duty of us, the civilians they went into battle to defend—to demand that recognition and restitution on their behalf. Many of the vaccine injured service members would be satisfied with a simple apology, but they need so much more, and they deserve it.
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