The Star Spangled Banner: A Weapon For Saving America

Star Spangled Banner

I’m tired of fearing for the future of America. Weirdo perverts and unhinged authoritarians from garbage-strewn cities don’t get to define our future. We The People do, and we outnumber those freaks by a lot.

We can spin our tires in the mire of our current predicament all day long but we’ll end up right back here, whining about how far America has fallen instead of recognizing the truth: Lady Liberty has been ravaged and abused. We can either abandon her or rescue her. I say we rescue her.

How? We’ve been pondering that ad nauseam, trying standard tactics and learning that the courts don’t care about liberty, they don’t even care about the law anymore; neither do our politicians; the media and corporations are also invested in liberty’s demise.

“How do we defend against all of this?” we’ve been asking.

And that is perhaps the biggest problem: We’ve been placing too great a focus on defense. It’s time to start playing offense again.

Now before my Fedboy starts dialing up his friends to raid my house and steal my computer, let me be clear: I’m not talking about attacking physically. But attacking their strongholds is the key.

It’s time to remind that dastardly lot (the ones pent on America’s downfall) and the doom-cursing naysayers on our own side what a joy-filled, spirit-led people can do to transform a political, legal, and supernatural battlefield. One nation under God can be saved in a heartbeat, quite simply.

The Star Spangled Banner

I had this epiphany a few days ago while driving with my kids when my daughter pulled up the Whitney Houston rendition of the Star Spangled Banner on my phone. You’ve heard it, the 1991 version sung before Super Bowl XXV, a great game that only Buffalo Bills fans lament; I feel their pain.

I don’t hear the national anthem much anymore. When NFL broadcasts went woke, in order to avoid the lingering BLM nonsense I started turning on the games just after kickoff. Listening to the Star Spangled Banner that day I was struck with a feeling I haven’t felt much recently, and that I don’t exactly have words to describe. Something hit. Something registered with me that Francis Scott Key’s anthem might be the key to surviving the national nightmare we find ourselves in. But not only that, it can become the declaration that turns the tide in our favor. Lady Liberty needs us to declare her true identity to the heavenly realms. Her purpose and identity have been tainted, but we can restore them.

Riding in the car that day was only the second time I’d heard the anthem all year; the first was at a high school graduation ceremony a week earlier, a nice version performed by three students, albeit a little hard to hear given the acoustics of the venue.

Not Houston’s Star Spangled Banner, though. We played it loud and I got that teary-eyed feeling again, pondering all we’ve endured since this dark chapter of American history began. Give it a try yourself:

The next day, I stared at a friend’s star spangled banner as it waved on her front porch, and prayed for our troops stuck overseas in places like Niger, Ukraine, Syria, Turkey, and a hundred other places, or sitting idly on ships anchored around the world, all diligently serving a usurping administration that doesn’t care a rip about them or their families, placing them in harm’s way to serve globalists’ security instead of America’s. 

It’s been hard to wave a flag that many are understandably hanging upside down  — not in disrespect, but rather akin to a ship (or in this case, a nation) in distress. I don’t blame them. The day after listening to Houston’s anthem, I stared at the flag on my own porch, the same day Donald Trump was convicted in a kangaroo New York court, in a trial that violated basic procedures of due process, legal precedent, and the rule of law. As I watched my flag fly, I contemplated how far America has fallen from the days when Whitney Houston sang that song.

For the younger generations who don’t know: That Super Bowl was a special one for many of us.

America had just waged a war to liberate Kuwait (the Gulf War) and yellow ribbons were attached to trees all year long. A generation educated to believe we’d lost in Vietnam was suddenly victorious, in short order, with relatively few casualties. And as if to cap that year of national pride, the game featured NFL teams with red, white, and blue colors. It was one of those uniquely American moments that stands out in my memory, and I felt that way again when I heard that anthem.

Last Stands

If we’re going to restore America, we need to fall in love with her again. If she’s going to rise from what they’ve done to her, she needs us to declare her true identity.

I’ve been wondering all year if we’ve already lost our freedom for good. Each new national perversion takes us further and further away from the founding principles our country was birthed from. When lawless government agencies can round up Americans on a whim, strip them of Constitutional rights, and hold them without trial indefinitely, or when political show trials with carefully selected, activist jurors deliver pre-determined outcomes, or when citizens are arrested for merely defending their own persons and property against deadly assailants, how can we say freedom still exists in America?

When elderly grandmothers are mocked from the bench by a judge who is sending her to prison for praying outside an abortion clinic, or when pastors and business owners and medical professionals capitulate to fascism at the drop of a hat, how can we maintain that America is still what Whitney Houston and so many others declared it to be?

Are we still the land of the free and the home of the brave? Yes, we are, and we need to declare it, loud and proud, and often.

You Don’t Defend Against Them. You Attack Them.

In this battle to reclaim America, we have one major weapon in our arsenal that that we’ve been largely gun-shy from deploying: love.

I don’t mean that in a simplistic, namby-pamby manner, like a group of hippies in the park singing “all you need is love” while street thugs rape and assault people in dark alleys a few blocks over. I mean that if we really love this country, like a husband loves his wife, like God loves His bride, we’ll start acting like it. We’ll display some of that jealous love that motivates us to declare we’ve got something worth saving.

One thing we certainly need to do — and someone needs to send this up the chain to DJT personally — is to stop calling American “a nation in decline.” That is the kind of curse the enemy want us to believe. With no disrespect to President Trump, it’s a foolish declaration to make; he needs to know that, today. 

We need to show America how much we love her. We need to discuss how she’s worth fighting for, even with people we disagree with on a variety of important issues. And more importantly, we need to show the scumbags in charge that we’re done letting them rape and pillage her. America has been trafficked and abused by demons; her attackers have exhausted themselves trying to break her; she’s on the ropes and needs us to love her enough to save her.

What So Proudly We Hailed

How do we love a nation — a nation whose reputation has been tainted a hundred different ways, a nation who knows she has sinned  — and convince her she’s still beautiful, that God hasn’t abandoned her?

 John 8:1-11 New Living Translation

It’s not too late for America. We just need to look God in the face again and let Him define who we are, not the accusers who’ve worked tirelessly to soil our identity.

One simple way we can get back on offense is by meeting, gathering, and singing praises about the country we love.

Take a note out of President Trump’s playbook and imagine if every weekend someone advertised a new rally, community barbecue, routine pick up basketball game, etc, where people who love America just meet one another and trade stories. No larger agenda, no stages, soundboards, money, or grifters, just ordinary Americans shaking hands, doing life, and expressing to one another what they love about America.

Invite everyone who loves America to gather with no agenda. Someone could offer to sing the national anthem and see where that takes the conversations, sort of like the Tea Party rallies a few years back, minus the dorky hats, manufactured show, and the cringe.

Get together in small groups and large ones, over coffee, in parks, in homes, on the beach, at roadside diners, on farms, or at sports events, and talk to one another. Put down the dang phones and get to know people again. Keep every gathering as low-key and as agenda-free as possible.

Let God lead and see what He wants His people doing to save the country we love — like a thousand councils of war every day across the fruited plain, gathering troops and seeking His strategy.

Strike up conversations with people wherever you are, in airports, malls, or church lobbies, and replace the flippant chitchat about the weather with, “So what do you love about America?” Odds are they’ll smile, ponder it for a second, and then proceed to tell you something super interesting. And it will also serve as a declaration into America’s true identity.

In deeper conversations, perhaps share stories about Covid, “trusting the science,” and going along with the media narratives. Maybe ask veterans what they think about all these wars, the military industrial complex, and what they learned while deployed in service to their country.

All of this can be done individually, but there’s something special about having these in group conversations, face to face. The bad guys want us to rant behind computer screens about problems instead of talk to one another in person about solutions, lest we discover all we have in common.

The Foe’s Haughty Host

Never underestimate how terrified America’s enemies are of you. And by enemies I don’t mean foreign troops or terrorists; those are merely pawns in a much larger game playing out in the heavenly realms. Remember, the enemy’s main tactic is intimidation. The counter-move is to take overt actions to change the atmosphere through shouts of praise, spoken declarations, songs, and anything else that shoves the enemies’ game back in their faces.

A few guys sitting around the fire pit don’t often sing “America The Beautiful” or “The Star Spangled Banner,” we’re too cool for that. Well, the J6 hostages aren’t. They sing loud and proud every night in D.C. gulags, and when they do, something happens within those walls that makes a difference. We need that kind of passion for our country.

If you’re not the extroverty type, maybe try this:

Set a table with a few legal pads on a sidewalk or boardwalk somewhere with a sign asking people to write down what they love about America. Get them thinking about it, and articulating it in pen or in words.

Or, get a couple of friends and take some man-on-the street videos with the same question in mind. Hear their stories, maybe offer to pray with them. Sure, you’ll get nut jobs of all stripes writing novels hating on Jews, women, white men, Republicans, lizard people, and especially Trump (there are always creeps in every crowd, but nut jobs need Jesus too) but those will be dwarfed by the heartfelt testimonies.

There will be good and the bad things discussed, some of them we’ll need to deal with if we’re serious about restoring Lady Liberty and once again draping her in garments white as snow. There is a place for national repentance but I’m not calling for that here. Many of us have already walked that out on America’s behalf and — just like with our personal walks — there is always a danger of self-identifying as “just a sinner saved by grace.” I’m calling for America to raise her head high and agree with her true identity — one nation under God, the land of the brave.

America is not a nation in decline. She is a wounded warrior who’s convalesced far too long; freedom everywhere needs her back in the fight. The globalist prigs and turncoat collaborators are already profiting from America’s stumbles, and now they seek to finish us off in the only way they can: Convince us to destroy ourselves, curse ourselves, and abandon this quaint notion of a people being endowed by a Creator with inalienable rights.

In Full Glory Reflected Now Shines On The Stream

Most Americans are unaware that our national anthem is from a much longer poem that Francis Scott Key wrote during the defense of Fort McHenry in 1814 as the War of 1812 raged. The familiar lines of the Star Spangled Banner most of us know by heart is pre-text to a much larger truth that Key recognized, and you can read the entire poem at the end of this post.

The searing pain of trauma can destroy nerve endings, not to mention the will to fight back against violent opposition in the spiritual realms. But there is healing for that too, and speaking declarations is often the first step, for nations and for us.

The Star-Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key, 1814

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