How do you create a cloud? Well, let’s back up and revisit our elementary school science lessons. What are clouds?
Clouds are the product of three factors coming together: water vapor, dust, and cold air. Surface water evaporates into the air where it attaches to atmospheric dust. When that combination is cold enough for the water to form ice crystals, you see a cloud.
In school, we all learned that there are three kinds of clouds: cumulus, stratus, and cirrus. Cumulus are the white puffy ones that you looked up at when you were a kid, imagining they were Star Destroyers, or ponies, or Smurfs. Stratus clouds are the ones that look like someone dropped a bag of cotton balls across the floor, an expanse of cream puffs. And cirrus clouds are the ones that look like white streaks, light brush strokes across a blue canvas, or on particularly moist days, a thick white haze that covers the sky from horizon to horizon.
Now, ask yourself how frequently you see cumulus or stratus clouds anymore. And when you do see them, are they soon devoured by a onslaught of cirrus clouds?
Take a photo of the sky every day and compare them for a week, or a month. If your sky is anything like mine, it’s been a while since you’ve seen those beautiful puffy clouds. You probably see nothing but cirrus clouds, almost every day, from morning to evening.
Artificial Cloud Creation
Some mornings if I wake up early enough, I see a blue sky. But I’ve learned it’s just a matter of time before I see streaks of white show up. These streaks linger, spread, and eventually cover up that clear sky with a white haze obscuring everything.

If I sleep in too late I miss the blue sky entirely. Rarely do we get more than a peek of blue scattered throughout the day, and usually only if it’s windy.
Does any of this sound familiar?
If you’re like me, you may be wondering what happened to the normal process of cloud creation. We had radically different skies just a few years ago. But now our children are growing up in a world perpetually cloaked in a blanket of unnatural haze.
If you missed my last article, Chemical Skies: Unpacking the Science of Weather Modification, you may want to go back and read it now. In it I discussed the history and science of fake weather, proving that 1) weather modification is both real and fairly well recognized in the scientific community, and 2) that it’s being used by researchers in order to meet climate change mitigation goals.
In this article I want to focus on the clouds themselves: How are they getting there, what are they made of, and who’s responsible for it? Perhaps we will need another week afterward to sort out what they’re causing and how to fix it, but for now let’s look at clouds, or chem trails, or whatever the heck it is up there blocking out the sun.
Contrails & Chemtrails
Let’s get this out of the way first. Contrails and chemtrails are the same thing. Mind blown?
Arguing about the semantics of these terms is part of the reason why this is such a controversial issue. For every chem trail discussion there are a thousand paid contrail apologists eager to debunk whatever is said, regardless of the data. There are whole groups dedicated to dispelling the notion that aircraft are intentionally spewing chemicals into the atmosphere at alarming rates. What those folks fail to realize is that this process of chemical dispersal may be entirely unintentional by the vast majority of those doing it. If we can get past the controversial terms that divide us and focus on the science, we might find we have a lot of common goals. So let’s start there.
A contrail is the streak of white consisting of mostly water vapor that is left in the wake of an aircraft as it passes through cold air. This is the same thing you see when you breathe outdoors on a cold day – a white spray of warm air immediately cooled into a mini cloud that evaporates almost instantly.
The chemtrail is merely the same phenomenon occurring as a result of an aircraft passing through the same air but with one important difference: mixed in with the water vapor are a convocation of chemicals, black soot, and heavy metals.
Were those chemicals intentionally put in those jets exhaust systems? Yes.
Are those chemicals merely a byproduct of the jet fuel’s composition? Also, yes.
Are those chemical emissions causing the fabricated cirrus clouds that coat the globe every day and block out our blue skies? Yes again.
Are those unnaturally-created clouds (chemtrails) serving a purpose toward a master plan devised by government and quasi-government agencies? Yes, they are.
For what reasons? Simple: money and control.
Clinton, Gore, & the Clean Fuel Initiative
You likely recall that the early 1990’s saw a reemergence of popular environmentalism that had began in the 1970’s. President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore made clean air one of their policy priorities. Earth Day became a thing again, documentaries followed, and people were generally on-board with the idea of new fuels to combat air pollution.
Heck, I’m still on board with better fuels that don’t fill the air with toxic chemicals and soot. But as with all things government, enter the contractors and lobbyists.
Research into innovative “clean” bio fuels ramped up, and with it, the opportunity to make insane profits. Vehicle fuel was one thing, but the lucrative government contracts resulting from a conversion of aviation fuel – especially military aviation fuel – was (is) a tropospheric gold mine. And it wasn’t lost on the environmentalists that this upcoming conversion provided a unique opportunity to address another major Clinton/Gore policy aim: combating “global warming.” In just a few short years these new fuels began spilling out of the aircraft engines, with a lovely side effect for the geoengineering fans:
“Most current approaches to reduce global warming are to restrict the release of various greenhouse gases, such as CO2, CFC, and methane. These imply the need to establish new regulations and the need to monitor various gases and to enforce the regulations. One proposed solution to the problem of global warming involves the seeding of the atmosphere with metallic particles. One technique proposed to seed the metallic particles was to add the tiny particles to the fuel of jet airliners, so that the particles would be emitted from the jet engine exhaust while the airliner was at its cruising altitude.”
Stratospheric Welsbach Seeding for Reduction of Global Warming, by David B Chang. Compiled for Hughes Aircraft Company, 1996.
“Ideally, we would prefer to deploy scattering systems – or their principal components – that would remain in place and retain their performance-pertinent properties for a century, which is of the order of the interval 20 required for a CO2 emission pulse to be effectively sunk into the deep ocean. However, we consider the half-decade mid-stratosphere residence time to be sufficiently long for practical deployments.”
Global Warming and Ice Ages: I. Prospects for Physics-Based Modulation of Global Change by E. Teller et al, 22nd International Seminar on Planetary Emergencies, Erice (Sicily), Italy, August 20-23, 1997
Translation: The global warming crowd wanted to spray the atmosphere in a way that caused 100 years worth of damage, but they’ll settle for ten years of interference with the technology 1997 allowed.
That was then. What was once an idea to clean the air with better fuel became a vehicle for realizing the dream of combating global warming by polluting the air.
“The additional and larger aerosol increases the background level of condensation nuclei and possibly ice nuclei and may cause changes in cirrus cloud formation, in particular in the flight corridors at norther latitudes nearer the tropropause, [sic] and in regions which otherwise stay supersaturated with respect to ice.”
In Situ Observations of Particles in Jet Aircraft Exhausts and Contrails for Different Sulfur-Containing Fuels by Ulrich Schumann et al. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres vol. 101, March 1996
What Exactly Is Geoengineering?
Recognizing that worldwide geoengineering was potentially hazardous, and probably unpopular – people everywhere tend to enjoy sunshine – the climate change alarmists understood that they could achieve the goal of getting their hands on the planet’s thermostat clandestinely, through seemingly inadvertent geoengineering. And all the better that doing so was somehow also being done in plain sight.
You may remember our discussion of solar radiation modification (SRM), cloud seeding, and cloud brightening from last time. These misguided efforts, when combined with the equally absurd carbon dioxide removal programs, constitute what’s known as geoengineering, or climate engineering.
A more accurate definition of geoengineering is: Nutjobs messing with the planet’s natural processes of regulating itself…

…by doing all of the above, and more.
And while blocking out the solar radiation by day, and allowing heat removal by night, may seem like a dandy idea to the End Global Warming Now! contingent, the proximate result is that we are slowly being gassed by the millions of jets spraying chemicals above us, everywhere, all of the time.
“Direct detection of total sulfuric acid (SA) has been achieved for the first time in a plume of jet aircraft in flight. The measurements show the same SA signatures for the case when SA was injected directly into the exhaust jet and the case when sulfur was provided to the engine with the fuel.”
First Direct Sulfuric Acid Detection in the Exhaust Plume of a Jet Aircraft in Flight, Geophysical Research Letters, March 1998
You may also recall that widespread geoengineering isn’t acknowledged as being conducted. It’s still a scientific idea up for debate in academic and policy circles. In fact, many recognize it as a dangerous one, and plenty of scientists, regulatory and elected officials, and even environmentalists have acknowledged as much, and caution against it. Some content creators even mock it:
Go to YouTube and search “geoengineering solar” and you’ll discover a multitude of videos arguing for and against the notion of SRM. What none of the ones I’ve watched seem to recognize is that SRM is already taking place. It’s happening right now in the sky above you, in increasingly intense degrees since the 1990’s. The manifestation of the artificial cloud cover is evidence in plain sight, but here’s another problem: The chemicals that create the clouds the global warming people love so much are always in the atmosphere, whether you can see them or not.
Military Jet Fuel Appleman Chart
We have had the capability of producing or eliminating contrail creation for generations. Military leaders have long desired to mask their aircraft’s flight patterns and operations. In 1953, scientist H. Appleman produced a chart that could accurately predict where and when an aircraft would produce a contrail based on atmospheric conditions.

Taking that knowledge, geoengineering researchers and devotees can easily direct aircraft along flight patterns optimized for cloud creation. Ample studies have shown that additives in jet fuel composition – which increase efficiency in fuel consumption – are creating more soot, more chemical dispersal of toxins and heavy metals, and greater contrails under specific conditions.
What this means is that the chemtrails aren’t just getting sprayed once in a while by special aircraft and evil government pilots (although that may be happening, too). Rather, it means that every military, commercial, and private jet is spraying variations of this stuff 100% of the time. You just can’t always see it. You only see it when the global thermostat monitors warrant cloud creation to combat global warming on any given day. They determine which routes to fly, when, and at the altitudes that will create the cloud cover they want.
As you’ll recall from earlier: The Clinton Administration in 1992 was hell-bent on creating new, “cleaner” fuels:

In the decade prior to that, the U.S. military was already in the process of exploring the Single Fuel Concept, to create a better fuel source for aircraft, tanks, helicopters and other vehicles that was safer, cheaper, and more versatile. The result of that research was a new crop of aviation fuels such as JP4, JP8, NATO F65, JP8+100, and the common industry standards in use today: Jet A, and Jet A1 – all of which are laden with problematic additives that create headaches for maintenance crews, as well as you and I.
NASA’s own (very limited) public data on this acknowledges that more efficient fuels result in increased contrails:

This polyamorous marriage of convenience – the environmentalists’ zeal coupled with the military’s safety needs, matched with the opportunity for making tons of money – created a perfect win, win, win scenario for the geoengineers, the NATO war planners, and anyone profiting from the airline industry. It favored pretty much everyone in power, and only harmed the lowly public who likes blue skies and clean air and water.
You may have noticed that with each new fuel conversion in 1999, 2012, 2014, and 2018, we got murkier and murkier skies. That’s a problem that is only lately becoming apparent.
Another problem associated with these Frankenfuels is that in 2018 we had 102,000 flights occurring daily. In 2024 that number has jumped to 150,000 flights every day. If you’ve never done so, take a look at the ADSB exchange website which tracks every flight worldwide. Here is what it looked like on March 26th, 2024 at 17:17 Alaska Standard Time:

Practically every jet engine on this screen is emitting chemicals, EPA-approved ones that the Eco-warrior scientists have carefully manufactured to meet global warming and carbon footprint goals. This is a much higher priority for them than sunshiny days, but I wonder how many of them understand the unforeseen and unacknowledged byproduct of their efforts. Or is their position such that clean water, clean air, and blue skies be damned, an unfortunate duty and a regretful cost of saving the planet?
Taking it a step further, artificial intelligence (AI) is already being used to direct those aircraft along the most “cost efficient” routes. Alaska Airlines’ Flyway AI program has been touted as a phenomenal success since its deployment.
“This is what machines are really good at, taking huge data sets and putting them together. Flyways is probably the most exciting thing that I’ve come across in airline technology since I can remember.”
Pasha Saleh, head of corporate development at Alaska Airlines
That might explain why I’ve had nothing but fake cirrus clouds and rain above the once-pristine Alaskan landscape for the better part of two years now. Let’s put all of these facts together for a second:
1. Weather modification is scientifically possible.
2. Weather modification and research has been taking place since the 1940’s, often in secret.
3. Climate change alarmists have been funding and spearheading any and all innovations toward altering the Earth’s temperature since the 1990’s.
4. Jet fuels were drastically altered in 1999, 2012, 2014, and 2018, making them increasingly likely to form chemtrails/contrails with each new iteration.
5. AI is now directing flight paths of commercial airlines.
6. Environmentalists are increasingly calling for more (and more intense) geoengineering, SRM, and cloud seeding.
Does that perpetual blanket of cloud cover you see every day make sense now? Do you still think it’s just the weather, and there’s nothing we can do about it?
We haven’t even detailed what those clouds are made of yet, and how that chemical-laden rain and snow affects the soil, trees, and livestock. Perhaps we’ll need a third installment to get into that. For now, the best thing we can do is ask questions.
Starting The Conversations
Our default position in awkward social situations is to ask people about the weather. We even do this with strangers while waiting in line somewhere. So, ask them what they think about the weather. Does it seem natural to them, or have they noticed it’s always cloudy? Was it like this when you were a kid? Ask them why they think that is, and start planting seeds of inquisitiveness.
If you’re in contact with a state representative, you might mention to them that other states are taking the matter of clean air, pure skies, chemical-free water seriously. This month the Tennessee State Senate passed SB 2691/HB 2063 to ban the intentional release of chemicals into the atmosphere for geoengineering purposes. Ask your local policymakers if they’re aware of the research being conducted across the globe. And ask them if any is taking place where you live.
It’s taken me weeks of research to write these two articles and I haven’t even scratched the surface. There is so much published data out there that the entire thing makes me want to give up, slam shut my laptop, and go for a walk.
But then I do, and when I get outside I look up and realize they’ve literally stolen the sunshine. They’ve laced our children’s air, rained heavy metals down on their heads, and if they’re not stopped, they will continue to experiment until the scoured sun that Morpheus spoke of in The Matrix becomes our reality. Are we really that far away from it? Take a look out your window and decide for yourself.
Psy Ops & Mass Formation Psychosis
A few nights ago I was engaging in small talk with some acquaintances. Two of the guys were remarking about how nice the sunshine felt that day. As they spoke I looked out the window and saw nothing but white clouds as far the eye could see. It had been like that all day, with clouds covering the sky and only occasionally punctuated with smears of blue peeking out from time to time. These thin clouds were translucent, and allowed just enough sunlight to penetrate and melt the snow, giving us that spring is coming sensation.
The sky was covered in these fake, chemical laden clouds all day and yet for most people it was (relatively speaking) a sunny day, and maybe the most we can expect from now on if the bad guys continue to get their way. I can’t help but think about the oft repeated World Economic Forum mantra of “You’ll own nothing and be happy about it.”
“There is a widespread, concerted effort, presumably made in conjunction with the intelligence community, to deceive the public and the scientific, medical and public health communities into believing the toxic particulate trails are harmless ice-crystal contrails. Their operative were responsible for coercing editors of public health journals to retract two peer-reviewed and published public health articles without ever allowing the author (JMH) to see and respond to their allegations.”
Chemtrails and Covid-19: Two Faces of Evil J. Marvin Herndon and Mark Whiteside, Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, April 2022
Something is seriously wrong when a canvas of thin clouds screening the sun constitutes a “sunny day,” and it’s evidence that the psy-op that Doctors Herndon and Whiteside warned us about is already taking effect. We’re losing the ability to recognize our world for what it’s becoming, a controlled lab for unfettered experimentation. How long will it be before the next WEF speaker comes clean and tells us that we’ll get diffused sunlight three times a week and maybe blue sky on Saturday…and we’ll be grateful for it!
This is an example of the mass formation psychosis theory that Dr. Robert Malone discussed in the aftermath of Covidiocy and the vaccine hysteria. Keep messaging something long enough, and emphatically enough, and it can change an entire populations’ perception.
When they do finally lay their cards on the table, how many of us will understand how we got to this point?
And this is only what we can currently prove with official government sources and our own eyes. It may be another fifty years before we learn about all of the additional experiments that they may be conducting in secret.
Intentional Radiation Poisoning
The U.S. military has a long history of conducting secret experimentation on its own citizens without their consent. In previous articles we’ve discussed MK Ultra and others. But did you know that in 1957 the United States Army Chemical Corps sprayed poor black communities in St. Louis, Missouri with microscopic zinc cadmium sulfide (ZnCdS) particles? The objective of Operation LAC (Large Area Cover) was to study the dispersal patterns and geographic range of chemical and biological weapons in many communities across the U.S. and Canada. But 10,000 residents in St. Louis were hit the hardest, 70% of which were children.
“The study was secretive for a reason. They didn’t have volunteers stepping up and saying yeah, I’ll breathe zinc cadmium sulfide with radioactive particles.”
The Manhattan Rochester Coalition Research On The Health Effects Of Radioactive Materials And Tests On Vulnerable Populations Without Consent In St. Louis 1945-1970, by Lisa Martino-Taylor, May 2011
You can download professor Martino-Taylor’s dissertation about it to garner all of the infuriating details, but keep in mind: This is just one of many experiments they never would have admitted to unless ordinary citizens had not forced open the archives.
None of this became known until 2004.
Consider that the next time your naysayer friends cry “bosh” at your scientific and historical rationale about chemtrails and weather modification.
I know that all of this is frustrating. I know that thinking about this is probably the last thing you want to do today. I’m merely asking that we get the conversation started at home, at church, in the public square. Ask the questions and get people wondering and remembering. Those with the passion and know-how will do the research and make the phone calls. Eventually enough voices shouting in unison might make a difference. You never know what you’ll find when you dig deep enough, and for now we still have the benefit of digital records – so many digital records – to rely on. But take warning, that data can be slowly scrubbed from the Matrix, or deleted in the blink of an eye, just like the sunny days we used to expect and rely on.
You can follow me on Telegram, Substack, Truth Social, GETTR, Gab, and X.
This has been Part 2 of a 3-part series. In our final installment, we’ll take a deeper look into the actual chemicals and their effects on the ground, soil, crops, trees, animals, and water. This research takes time, so please bear with me as I sift through and compile the terrabytes of information into a digestible form.
If you have sources or data you’d like to share, please contact me at
Probably the best source for further research is Jim Lee’s exhaustive website Here is a recent interview with him and Del Bigtree on The Highwire.
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Modern War Books
Those Who Face Death is now available online wherever books are sold. This is the fourth book in the Modern War series.
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