There’s something wrong with the sky. You’ve seen it, been annoyed by it, and in the back of your mind you’ve probably been thinking something just isn’t right about the persistent hazy skies above. Thus far you might’ve written it off as just the weather – unusual, unfortunate, but that’s just the way it is.
But it’s not, and there are several reasons why this may be happening. The idea of weather modification may seem like kooky nonsense but keep reading, because over the next few weeks we’re going to take a stroll through the history, data, and documents to see what’s going on in the atmosphere, and hopefully get some ideas about what we can do about it.
Climate Science?
I hate to admit it, but the man-made climate change activists are partially correct – just not in the way most of them think. Using a paper straw won’t save the ozone or increase the polar bear population. Buying an electric car won’t cleanse the oceans. And carbon credits are just another government construct designed to line the pockets of every regulatory actor attached to them. But some people are changing the climate, recklessly so, and for some time now. The air is filled with deadly chemicals, and not merely from the pollution or fossil fuel consumption that those of us from large cities grew accustomed to.
But before we join the How dare you? chorus protesting the petroleum industry, we need to assess the misguided science of the purported saviors of the planet who are (perhaps inadvertently) damaging it in their emotional efforts.
Chemicals are being sprayed, dropped, and emitted into the atmosphere by a variety of means. It’s causing the once-blue skies we all grew up with to take on the perpetual white haze that over a few short years we’ve come to accept as normal. It’s not normal; it’s manufactured, and the mechanisms causing it result in trees, crops, soil, and us being coated in layers of stuff that was never meant to be there.
Take a look out the window. Do you see it? Do you see that white blanket? If it’s artificial, it might be full of sulfur, aluminum, carbon black dust, bromide, silver iodide, formaldehyde, copper, potassium, benzene, soot, and much more, intentionally injected from the ground, sea, and air. It also got there as a byproduct of jet fuel emissions, from millions of jets in the air every day.
All of it is potentially deadly.
It can make us sick and make us sad, and it’s creating uncertainty about the viability of our food sources and the ecosystems that sustain it.
If you doubt the veracity of those presuppositions, you can do a little test: Take a snow or rainwater sample and get it tested for chemicals and heavy metals. You can do this anywhere. I called around and found that there are two laboratories within 20 miles of my home who can do as in-depth of a test as I’m willing to pay for. If you find high concentrations of chemicals like titanium, chromium, iron, nickel, barium, aluminum, or piperonyl butoxide, it should lead you to the next logical question:
How did all of this get there?
Before we get into dicey topics like chem trails and weather weaponization, let’s set a baseline for the scientific and historical data we’ll accept in our discussion, the kind of sources even your most skeptical friends will need to reconcile themselves to.
Government & Academic Sources: Cloud Seeding and Solar Radiation Modification
[If you’re already convinced that weather modification is taking place, bear with me. This will add a few arrows to your quiver for the next time you encounter naysayers who don’t know the history.]Weather modification may sound like conspiracy theory stuff but it isn’t; it’s actually pretty mainstream. There are scholarly journals on it that have been published since the 1960’s. But for those who are new to the science, we might as well start with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). If that site is official enough, let’s see what NOAA has to say about weather modification on their own website:
“Currently, the most common form of weather modification is cloud seeding, which increases rain or snow, usually for the purpose of increasing the local water supply. Weather modification can also have the goal of preventing damaging weather, such as hail or hurricanes, from occurring.”
Interesting. So NOAA is on record admitting they modify the weather and cataloging when, where, and how it occurs. Let’s see who else does:
From the The University of Washington’s Marine Cloud Brightening Project website:
We seek to advance scientific understanding in this area by developing a framework and associated technology that will allow the scientific community to conduct experiments to understand cloud processes with a much greater degree of control than has previously been possible.
The University of Washington: Marine Cloud Brightening Project
To do this we have efforts to:
1. develop spray technology that will generate controlled volumes and sizes of tiny sub-micrometer seawater particles in sufficient numbers to increase the local brightness of low clouds in a marine environment.
2. conduct limited area (small-scale) field experiments with the spray technology to provide new understanding of the interactions between aerosols and clouds.
What that means is that climatologists at the University of Washington are using ships to spray seawater (and what else?) into the air in order to make a blanket of white clouds, thus limiting the warming caused by greenhouse gases and…saving the planet! Ta-da! What could go wrong?
Well, aside from fabricated cloud cover that everyone hates, lots. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves; we’re still in the process of proving that weather modification is both possible and currently being conducted.
Here’s more.
At the risk of acknowledging the Biden Administration as an authoritative (or honest) source, it might be worth looking at something the White House put out last year regarding Solar Radiation Modification (SRM):
“The potential risks and benefits to human health and well-being associated with scenarios
Congressionally Mandated Research Plan and an Initial Research Governance Framework Related to Solar Radiation Modification June 2023 (Executive Summary, excerpt)
involving the use of SRM need to be considered relative to the risks and benefits associated
with plausible trajectories of ongoing climate change not involving SRM. This ‘risk vs. risk’
framing, along with cultural, moral, and ethical considerations, would contribute to the necessary context in which policymakers can consider the potential suitability of SRM as a component of climate policy.”
I’ll translate that one as well. It means that the Biden Administration was forced to report to Congress about the potential dangers associated with modifying the climate through Solar Radiation Modification.
Solar radiation modification (SRM) is defined as: “A deliberate and large-scale intervention in the Earth’s climatic system, with the aim of reducing global warming.” This is basically what Montgomery Burns wanted to do in The Simpsons to block out the sun, but the Biden handlers want to do it for benevolent purposes instead of financial ones. Or so the story goes.
Here’s a graphic to explain the process:

I could keep going with examples of current or recent programs, but the point should be clear: Nobody is denying the science involved in weather modification is real. It’s happening. They just hope the issue is too complex or too boring for anyone to care much about it. They also conduct these experiments with crossed fingers in the hope that they don’t cause unforeseen damage; I think the jury is in on that one, just look outside your window.
The researchers are united in their goals for more clouds, more precipitation, and more control. Their only concern is whether their methods will succeed in altering the environment in the manner they seek. Some (a very meek minority) question the ethics and long-term dangers of large research experimentation, but nobody questions the science.
We can alter the weather, and we’ve been able to do so for generations.
The Military and Weather Modification
In 1997, USAF Major Barry B. Coble wrote a thesis discussing the need to continue Benign Weather Modification (BWM) such as cloud seeding – as opposed to Hostile Weather Modification, which he does not define – for use in war. It’s an interesting paper that explains the reality of what they were doing nearly thirty years ago:
“…1948, when Dr. Irving Langmuir first experimented with artificially seeding clouds in order to produce rain. His experiments showed positive results, sparking tremendous interest in the field nearly overnight. Most BWM efforts focus on four general areas: precipitation enhancement, hail suppression, fog dispersal, and snow augmentation.”
Benign Weather Modification by Major Barry B. Coble, USAF, School of Advanced Airpower Studies, Maxwell Air Force Base, March 1997
Since the dawn of warfare, military war planners understood that weather could negatively affect their operational abilities, and even more so in the age of modern aviation. Clouds obscure targets, which could be a good thing or a bad thing, given the mission. Rain creates problems for troop movements and aircraft sorties. And here’s something you may not have thought much about: A hurricane has more potential destructive force than a nuclear weapon.
“A fully developed hurricane can release heat energy at a rate of 5 to 20×1013 watts and converts less than 10% of the heat into the mechanical energy of the wind…to put that into perspective, that’s the equivalent of a 10-megaton nuclear bomb exploding every 20 minutes.” – NOAA
With that knowledge, the military scientists across the world went to work trying to harness that power. In 1944 the technology to change the weather became a reality, and as with All Things Government Study, the gloves came off.
Project Cirrus
In 1947, the U.S. military in partnership with General Electric tried to modify a hurricane. On October 13th of that year, two B-17s and a B-29 from the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance group (MacDill Field, FL) dropped nearly 180 pounds of crushed dry ice into the clouds.
The official results of the experiment were inconclusive, but the hurricane did change direction immediately after the drop, causing a million dollars in damage at landfall and one death. When news of the military action surfaced, the public was so incensed that lawsuits were filed. These were squashed when the government insisted the hurricane was already in the process of changing direction toward land and that the experiment had no provable affect.
That project’s experimentation continued until 1952, and by then others were already in full swing, including ones like Project Stormfury or Project Scud. You can look up the patent archives and find dozens of additional methods used to modify the weather.
Another military study from 1996 – in which the researchers laid out a variety of what-if scenarios with emerging technologies – put the matter bluntly:
“In 2025, US aerospace forces can ‘own the weather’ by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to war-fighting applications. Such a capability offers the war fighter tools to shape the battlespace in ways never before possible.”
Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025, Research paper for the Department of Defense, Air Force, by Col Tamzy J. House et al., August 1996
The year 2025 is right around the corner. Might they have already achieved this goal earlier than expected?
Chem Trails, Water Vapor, and More
The history and science is clear. Humans can modify the weather.
We can create it, manipulate it, and harness it for many different purposes. Some of those seem beneficial, like creating rain for crops that desperately need it, or for ending devastating droughts. You can find mainstream media stories singing the praises of this technology pretty easily. Depending on your political persuasion, other goals – such as curtailing greenhouse gasses – might also seem a net positive. But mad scientists learn quickly that these things come with a price and rainmaking is no exception. Garbage in, garbage out. And just like with second-hand smoke or factory pollution, what we pump into the sky will inevitably affect everything it touches.
The third rail of any discussion on manufactured cloud cover is what exactly is causing the clouds. Is it toxic chemicals, water vapor, increased quantities of naturally occurring elements, or something else?
Many people have claimed for decades that there is a widespread program of aerial spraying of toxic chemicals. The questions from the skeptics have always been: To what end? Why do that?
While I don’t deny that large scale, secret aerial spraying (as opposed to crop dusting) of chemicals has taken place, and may still be occurring today, there may be another facet to the reality of why the sky is almost always white nowadays. Modern jet fuel and aviation oil may have a lot to do with it. That is a discussion we’ll address in our next installment, along with hurricane steering and more. Our goal today has simply been to make the case that all of this weather manipulation is both scientifically possible, and historically being perpetrated.
In my next article I’ll examine what is actually being done to steal our sunny days, discuss the whistle-blowing scientists whose work in these fields is continually being retracted by the NIH powers that be, and what their findings may mean for all of us. In the meantime, you may want to visit NOAA’s database to find out what kind of weather modification is taking place above a water source near you.
What can you and I do against powerful forces at the highest levels of government, and at the cutting edge of state-sponsored research? How do we curtail mad scientists who are literally spraying us like the bugs they think we are? We’ll discuss that. But for now we must continually remind ourselves (and them) that nobody has the right to control the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we grow and eat, or the natural remedies we choose to apply. In 2020 they tried, and largely succeeded, in wrestling that control away from us. It’s time to take it back, including the blue sky our children are slowly forgetting exists.
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