There are a lot of things competing for our time, I get it. When it comes to media, Christians have a tendency to focus on the overtly Jesus content and there’s not much time left over for things that seem marginally important to the church. In our pie graph of time allocation, we insert bible study and prayer, work, relationships, service, and time with our families. After all of those are secured, most of us recognize the need for rest and leisure, and at the end of a busy day we often just want to clock out and veg on the sofa with a mindless show or football game. I’m with ya there.
This equilibrium seems adequate, but there is an astronomically important sphere that the church has largely disengaged from: the political sphere.
Our lack of insight into that fact has reaped devastating consequences that many are oblivious to. Some pastors even preach against the church’s involvement in politics, which is foolhardy since Jesus was a first-rate rabble rouser in every way. But Christians like to play meek when it comes to influencing the political sphere and the result has been that most people are completely unaware that we no longer exert control over our own systems of government.
Let me explain.
There is a new documentary that was released on Friday, Dec 15th 2023 and you’ve probably never even heard about it. It’s called Let My People Go, and in just over two hours it provides the most comprehensive explanation of the gravest danger facing our country: electronic election interference.
Since its release, Google and other media giants have suppressed its promotion and even its distribution. That’s because it exposes the greatest aspect of election fraud – the one thing that you can’t talk about on YouTube, the one thing that the big name conservative pundits refuse to mention, the only thing that will get you indicted in federal court for saying out loud – that voting machines are demonstrably designed to steal elections, and that the evidence of them doing so, for both political parties, in multiple elections, for dozens of years, is everywhere.
Let My People Go gives us a step-by-step tutorial of how that is, and what to do about it. And the evil actors on earth and in the heavenly realms don’t want you to see it or even know about it. In the same manner that they tried to derail Sound of Freedom, they’re trying to suppress this film because they know you’ll be outraged by what you learn, and you may end up doing something about it.
We the Church sat idly by while control and accountability of our governing representatives slowly evaporated over the last twenty years. Some still falsely believe we can exert control over our legislatures, school boards, judges, or pretty much any other thing we vote for. Many still hold firm to the idea that if we don’t like what these individuals are doing, we can just vote them out of office in the next go-around.
This may come as a shock to some of you, but if your system of governance uses a machine to tabulate your votes, you have NO control over the process. That applies to most of us, by the way.
It doesn’t matter how many signatures you get on your petition, how well your issue is polling, how incensed your community is over issue X, Y, or Z – if your ballot box solution depends on proprietary software, your elections are a sham. This film explains why.
Many of us recognized this late on election night in 2020, when for the first time in our lives they refused to declare a winning candidate in Pennsylvania despite a 600,000 vote lead. They stopped counting for the night and said the election would take several days to sort out. It was at that moment that many of us knew the fix was in. The middle of the night vote injections that followed were laughably absurd and created internet memes, fact-finding armies, and whistle-blowers. Thousands of whistle-blowers. That election began the process of ordinary guys like me getting our technological nerd on and crying foul about all things data breach.
As we dug deeper, the rot became even more apparent and we learned that these election machines have been working in the shadows to select our leaders for a very long time. We learned the reason why they always handed us black felt-tipped pens at the polling places. We discovered fake voter rolls, Swiss cheese security systems, stonewalling officials at all levels of government, and corrupt judges unwilling to let the evidence speak in their courtrooms.
If you read my articles, you might recall I’ve written about this in post after post after post. I’ve been trying for years to get the public (especially the Christians) to recognize that election machines are the linch pins that prevent action on every other issue we fight for, and Let My People Go lays it out.
Want to end abortion in your state? Good luck if your corrupt judges and legislators are protected by programmed election machines.
Want to kick off those woke school board or assembly members? You can’t unless the machine software allows it.
Is your sheriff derelict in his duty? Is your district attorney an overt political operative? If the machines run their elections, it may take an act of God to remove them from those seats of power.
There was once a time when we had true freedom of speech. Those days are long gone. Sure, you can speak all day about ballot harvesting, voter rolls, and sketchy registrations. None of those issues matter if you don’t take out the machines. Anyone who speaks about fraudulent voting machines, however, is subject to a special level of persecution reserved for enemies of the State. Why do you think that is?
But there’s a solution to this problem that the church can take up right now. Let My People Go outlines a plan to bring us back to the foundations our country was built on, including a restoration of Godly leadership. We’ve disengaged long enough.
Due to the extreme level of media opposition to this film, it is now being offered for free on many platforms. Here it is on YouTube:
If they remove it you can also find it here on Rumble and elsewhere.
Keep fighting, America.
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My latest book, Those Who Face Death, is now available online wherever books are sold. This is the fourth book in the Modern War series.

Here are some election related articles you might find useful: