Setting The Captives Free: Which Ones, Again?

With swift violence, a group of men armed to the teeth swept over homes across the country, beating down doors, forcing men and women out of their beds, and terrorizing their children. Not many people took notice because this wasn’t in Israel, this was right here in the USA, the land of the free. It wasn’t a surgical strike on a random Saturday; this has been happening for two years in every state in the Union. Every week more families are attacked, the husband/father/mother is whisked away at gunpoint and locked up, their basic rights trampled, and the remaining family members are left to deal with the trauma and legal hurdles on their own. The media will run a story celebrating another J6 insurrectionist charged for crimes against democracy, the accused tainted as an enemy of the state. 

And most of the people in your church know nothing about it.

If they watch the mainstream media, they might see an all too familiar headline a few days later: Florida Man Sentenced for Assaulting Law Enforcement During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach

But these media outlets won’t tell you that this man, Michael S. Perkins, was first pepper-sprayed by the police, and in the chaos of being blinded and disoriented, bumped into Capitol Police officers with his flagpole. One of the officers didn’t even know he was hit until he saw his own body camera footage at the trial.

As Perkins recalls it:

“Explosions of gas [were] going off in the crowd. People started pushing us, and in the midst of all the chaos, we were separated. My 14-year-old daughter was crying hysterically out of fear as she was pepper sprayed and gassed by Capitol Police. She was puking and gasping to breath [sic] but the chemicals filled the air and you couldn’t escape it… I watched as cops ran and hit people in the crowd, and I watched as others taunted the police by pushing others into the police. I, too, was pushed into the police. My eyes were burning from all the pepper spray, and I could barely open them. All the sudden there was an officer laying at my feet, my first instinct was to reach down to help her up but the officer refused my help and pushed my hand away, not wanting my help. Another officer rushed in to help that officer as they began to spray me again. I bent down to grab my flag, and the officer rushed towards me as I stood up, looking in the opposite direction, he ran into my flag and punched me in the eye. I later had a very swollen blackeye. I had no idea what was happening.”

For that exchange, the FBI and Homeland Security sent 50+ officers and four armored personnel carriers to his home in a pre-dawn raid, throwing percussion grenades and flash bangs, pointing laser sights on children before cuffing and questioning them without parental consent. The family was screamed at and terrorized by agents drunk on power who demolished their security cameras and tore the house apart. In the show-trial that followed, Perkins was sentenced to four years in prison. At sentencing, his judge all but admitted that he was being coerced to render a harsh verdict as a deterrent to others. The details will make your blood boil.

There are hundreds of other stories just like his.

Read Their Stories

Thousands of upstanding, non-violent, patriotic Americans have been persecuted by our own government for political purposes. Nearly all of these people have no prior records. Our government is at war with its own people with the goal or terrorizing them into remaining silent about stolen elections, fraudulent voting machines, government-assisted human trafficking, and a host of other atrocities.

The Federal terrorists – there is no better term to describe them – perpetrate with impunity. They’re cloaked in a faux legitimacy which allows them to trample on due process protections and ignore hundreds of years of legal precedent. They carry badges issued by shady agencies with a long history of crimes against Americans – agencies like the FBI, DHS, and the ATF. They label Americans “domestic terrorists” on a whim and pry into every facet of their personal and financial lives. They have arrested people like you and held them captive indefinitely on the most minor of all charges, things that a normal cop might not even bother detaining you over, like loitering and trespassing, or even using a bullhorn at a protest you were granted a license to conduct.

A typical defendant can stand on their Constitutional rights, and hold the authorities accountable for violating them. But the Fed’s victims are different; they’re smeared as domestic terrorists or insurrectionists, and all due-process protections are off the table. These are political prisoners who mostly walked respectfully into the U.S. Capitol on January 6th 2020, past police officers who smiled at them and held open doors.

These “dangerous domestic terrorists” largely entered, prayed, took selfies, and even had cordial conversations with cops before leaving. Issac Yoder walked into the Capitol dressed like George Washington, prayed, and left. Jacob Chansley got a guided tour by Capitol police into the Senate chamber and prayed in gratitude for their assistance. They even tried to let him through doors that were locked. Watch:

These are America’s political prisoners, captives who must be set free if we are to remain a free country.

If the church remains silent about it – like it did when the government forced thousands of churches to close their doors in 2020, and like it was when hundreds of thousands of Christians were vaccine-injured – you will see greater and more egregious persecutions in the days ahead. If they can lock up peaceful citizens for walking into a government building with police escorts, what do you think they’ll do when you start preaching a banned doctrine? What will happen when pastors are designated “domestic terrorists” for preaching against trans indoctrination, and are held without trial for years on end?

We love the stories of men like Richard Wurmbrand or Haralan Popov or all of the others who endured years of communist persecution, yet we hardly even know about the ones in our own backyards. Many of the J6 political prisoners are veterans, current or retired cops, and medics. Some went there that day to provide security from bussed-in Antifa thugs. Some were EMTs who repeatedly offered to assist the Capitol police. Many others can be seen confronting masked agitators (who haven’t been charged, by the way) and keeping the peace despite disguised agents egging them on. Many of the accused never even entered the building. A few of them intervened in trying to save the life of Rosanne Boyland, beaten to death by a Capitol police officer, and they were indicted for doing so. That murdering officer, Lila Morris, was never charged or even reprimanded. In fact, she was honored at the Super Bowl for her crime.

In case this is all new to you, here are some of their names:

Joseph Padilla
Robert Palmer
Michael Perkins
Dominic Pezzola
Michael Pomeroy
Mark Ponder
Shawn Price
Joshua Pruitt
Mahailya Pryer
Anthony Puma
Chris Quaglin
Barry Ramey
Guy Reffitt
Zachary Rehl
Stewart Rhodes
Howard Richardson
Thomas Robertson
Brittany Robinson
James Robinson
Linwood Robinson
Michael Roche
Jonathan Rockholt
Daniel j Rodriguez
Moises Romero
Greg Rubenacker
Jerry Ryals
Jeffrey Sabol
Ryan Samsel
Robert Sanford
Ronald Sandlin
Deborah Sandoval
Salvador Sandoval
Troy Sargent
Peter Schwartz
Daniel Scott
Christian Secor
Hunter Seefried
Kevin Seefried
Grayson Sherrill
Thomas Sibick
Geoffrey Sills
Glen Mitchell Simon
Mikhail Slye
Charles Bradford Smith
Thomas Smith
Audrey Southard
Hatchet Speed
Peter Stager
Shelly Stallings
Pat Stedman
Devin Steiner
Tristan Stevens
John Strand

These are political prisoners, rotting in D.C. jails, their families left without a breadwinner, facing devastating legal fees, and the church is largely silent about them.

Note that this list is fluid. Since I started writing this post, six of these individuals were taken off the list but another eight have been arrested, and at least one, Roy Franklin, is deceased. There’s no time to lose; six have committed suicide in despair.

“But some of them were violent,” one might say. “I’ve seen the footage.”

No, you’ve seen some of the footage. For those who are accused of committing acts of violence, the full footage has been withheld from them and their attorneys. Exculpatory evidence has been thrown out by judges who have declared them guilty even while the show-trials were taking place. The FBI narrative of events has been treated as gospel by the media and courts, which have stacked the deck with recycled leftist jury pools.

We Stand With _______

You’ve probably heard all about the captive Israelis who were taken by Hamas terrorists a month ago. Have you heard about any of the captive Americans I just mentioned? Has your church or pastor given a sermon about them? Has your prayer group interceded for them, written letters to them, or donated to their families?

The political persecution of the American people is one of the most pressing issues facing our country, and especially the church. Political persecution was one of the most pressing issues during the dark days of Eastern Bloc Communism, and it remains so for the persecuted church in China and the Middle East. So why isn’t it being discussed in American churches today? Almost every day I hear another discussion about standing with Israel. That’s fine, I’ve got no problem with that. Innocent people fighting to survive will always have my support, and we fight for those who can’t defend themselves — always have, always will, whether they’re peacefully sleeping in the womb or being accosted in a dark alley. But if you’re willing to stand up and proclaim the rights of Israelis to peacefully exist, are you willing to do the same for Americans?

Is their captivity less important? According to scripture, Israel (and we should probably discuss what that means in greater detail) warrants special attention from Christians in the realm of a supernatural battle, but so do physical prisoners in the earthly realm. Does God care more about a secular Israeli population – that has largely turned its back on Him – than He does about American prisoners who lift up the name of Jesus in nightly prayers from behind bars? The answer is no. And neither should we.

We need to go beyond our simplistic prison ministries and start confronting what it means when an unleashed government wages war against its own people standing up for basic rights, like free and fair elections, and due process.

Captain Christopher Kuehne went to the Capitol to protect people from Antifa. After walking through an opened door, he was seen on video cleaning up trash and helped to clear people out so police could get control of the situation.

The Feds sent a full swat team of 20 in tactical gear and pointed laser dots on a four-year-old in pajamas. His wife suffered a miscarriage one day after the FBI raided their home.

Getting angry yet? Heartbroken? So are some of the officials who know the J6 narrative is a lie.

Enter The Whistleblowers

On November 3rd 2020, Capitol Police lieutenant Tarik Johnson voted for Joe Biden for president. On January 6th he was mixing it up at the Capitol, trying to deescalate a protest that was quickly getting riled up by over 100 undercover Federal agents and countless unindicted co-conspirators such as Ray Epps and others. At one point Lt. Johnson was assisted by MAGA patriots in clearing a way to assist fellow officers who were suffering from tear gas. His testimony provides a vastly different account of what happened that day than the official narrative. He was never even interviewed by the FBI or the J6 Congressional Committee. When he contacted Senator Patrick Leahy to blow the whistle, he was fired a few hours later for his efforts.

Or how about the statements of Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund for that matter?

What do we do with the knowledge that J6 was a setup, a false-flag operation designed to mask the massive evidence of a fraudulent election that was at that moment being debated in Congress, but was quickly shelved by party bosses after the Fed-initiated chaos? What are we willing to say about it? I have a suggestion:

Preach about it, pray about it, and make some noise.

With Precedent

For those who don’t study history, the idea of political prisoners in America may seem like a modern phenomenon. It isn’t. Many Americans have been persecuted and locked up for their political advocacy, and many Christian pastors looked the other way or made excuses for the violations even as their fellow clergymen languished in jail.

One of those political prisoners, Martin Luther King Jr., had words for his fellow pastors who didn’t understand the fight:

“My Dear Fellow Clergymen:

While confined here in the Birmingham city jail, I came across your recent statement calling my present activities ‘unwise and untimely’…We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed…We must come to see, with one of our distinguished jurists, that ‘justice too long delayed is justice denied’…We merely bring to the surface the hidden tension that is already alive. We bring it out in the open, where it can be seen and dealt with. Like a boil that can never be cured so long as it is covered up but must be opened with all its ugliness to the natural medicines of air and light, injustice must be exposed, with all the tension its exposure creates, to the light of human conscience and the air of national opinion before it can be cured.”

Martin Luther King, Jr., Letter from a Birmingham Jail, 1963

MLK wrote those words while incarcerated for denying Circuit Judge W. A. Jenkins Jr.’s injunction against “parading, demonstrating, boycotting, trespassing and picketing.” Sound familiar? When the authorities fear being exposed for the rotten manifestations of their multi-generational corruption, they’ve locked people up and made an example of them. As the J6 judges are unequivocally aware, these trials are designed with a single purpose — like a plantation whipping of an uppity slave in a bygone era — to send a message that will subjugate anyone daring to challenge the masters of the estate. Step out of line, challenge those in authority, or speak out about their crimes, and they’ll make you wish you’d never been born.

They want to terrorize you into silence.

What Can We Do?

We can demand that the new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, release the full, unredacted video footage on, in, and around the Capitol on January 6th. We can demand a release of all body camera footage, all internal documents, and every police officer interview to get to the bottom of what really happened. That footage and those documents belong to the American people. They’re hiding it because they have something to hide. We can demand that every judge and District Attorney who withheld exculpatory evidence from the accused be removed, disbarred, and charged for their crimes. We can demand charges be dropped and convictions overturned. But mostly, we can tell the stories of these brave men and women, and assist their families.

Remember the prisoners as if chained with them – those who are mistreated – since you yourselves are in the body also.

Hebrews 13:3, NKJ

We look to the martyrs of eras past and admire their willingness to endure incarceration rather than go along with a lie. Many of those currently in jail for the alleged crimes on January 6th could be free tomorrow if they were willing to agree to plea deals and lie, saying that they did something wrong. Some did, but the vast majority did not, and like MLK and others, they will endure as long as necessary to ensure that this nation will once again live up to its laurels. That starts with us.

To those who’re standing firm in demanding justice: You are not forgotten. The history will record your sacrifice and honor you for it, because I intend to write it.

If you’d like to learn more about the J6ers and support their families you can find information on the following sources:

American Gulag: A searchable database with news and contact info.

J6 Patriot News: A Telegram channel that highlights the latest efforts.

The Prisoners Record: A Telegram support group with nightly live streamed prayer vigils.

You can follow me on TelegramSubstackTruth Social, GETTR, and Gab. You can also reach me on Twitter (X), but I don’t post there very often because I still don’t trust them yet. You can subscribe to receive new posts to your inbox as well as get information on my latest novel, book four in my modern war series. If you enjoy my work, please consider supporting us with a paid subscription. Keep fighting.

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Post image by Denny Müller on Unsplash