Like many of you, I went to see Sound of Freedom recently. The reality of child sex-trafficking should anger everyone into action. Anyone detracting from the central focus of the film – that kids are being kidnapped and forced into sex slavery – needs a humanity check. Twisted souls may write-off that issue but the rest of us cannot. It should piss us off as much as it makes us weep.
I believe that the filmmakers wanted to make this a first-step conversation starter. I understand and approve of that tactic. Average moviegoers who see this will wake up. Some social liberals and even Democrat operatives will learn for the first time what’s happening under their noses. Some are beginning to. And that’s where the conversation needs to go next.
Child sex trafficking is happening in every corner of the globe. Local police forces are often bribed into turning a blind eye, or forced to prioritize lesser matters. Women and kids are kidnapped, groomed online, escorted across borders, placed by government officials into adoptive homes, or rented cheap in Anytown, USA just as efficiently as in Tijuana or Bangkok.
Wherever you live, there is prostitution of children. Ask any Federal agent or local cop.
So, what do we do about it?
Well, for starters we need to start recognizing those who are fighting against it and that starts at the top. Some may say that this film and this issue transcends politics. I get what they mean, but it’s not entirely true. Politics is merely a vehicle for dealing with the issues of the day. In a sense, everything is political because political posturing determines how, when, and if we deal with issues affecting our world.
The fraudulent Biden administration is doing everything in its usurped power to enable pedophiles and traffickers. Their media cohorts are burying the stories all around us. The Biden administration is even actively placing trafficked children into permanent custodianship of the traffickers. Is your senator, congressman, police chief, or sheriff stopping it? Do they ever mention it? Do they have a working knowledge of the issue in their jurisdiction, and funds allocated to combat it? What are the end results of those Amber Alerts? These are the questions we need to begin asking.
The Trump administration did more to combat human trafficking than every other administration combined, including Lincoln’s. He put money and resources into fighting it. He discussed it frequently. He led on this issue. Politics matter. Leadership matters.
We need to encourage our friends and family to see this movie, but we also need to ask our leaders which side of the fence they’re on. Nobody is sitting on the fence regarding child sex trafficking; they either:
a) have never heard about it
b) are asking what they can do about it
c) are already tackling it head on
Or, on the other side of the fence:
d) are actively profiting from it and perpetuating it
e) are passively perpetuating it by refusing to acknowledge its reality because it offends their delicate sensibilities.
Sound of Freedom is a good start. But we need to educate ourselves and those around us that what the film depicted is merely the tip of the iceberg.
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