You may be disgusted with the way corporations are snuggling pedophiles and race baiters these days. Oh, and if that’s news to you, surprise! Facebook, Instagram, and Amazon Prime are in bed with pedophiles. So is AMC Theatres, Netflix, the State of California, and the U.S. Congress. But since we can’t yet arrest Congress or the people running California and Seattle, we’re stuck fighting them with a small cache of available weapons. Fortunately, one of them is like a nuke when used effectively: financial warfare.
It works. It worked in Boston in 1773, Alabama in 1955, and in beer gardens across the fruited plain in 2023. What seemed like small pebbles tossed into the lake became tsunamis in the years that followed and it’s on us to start flinging them into the waters of corporate debauchery. It’s time to start getting serious about where and how we spend our time and money, and hit them where it hurts. No more inadvertently funding things we’re fighting against, like sexual indoctrination, child trafficking, and forever war.
How do we accomplish this? We can start by rejecting the companies that sponsor those things. [Note: for the remainder of this article, I’ve put companies that suck in bold for readers who choose to skim.]
Before We Get Started
One thing to keep in mind: Ideological purity is hard to achieve in the retail world.
Regardless of how much research you do, it’s hard to say with 100% certainty that your money is being spent righteously. And some companies that were once bastions of freedom (Chik-Fil-A, Black Rifle Coffee Co.) went woke overnight. Some might tomorrow. If you find out you’ve been supporting companies that reject your values, don’t fret. Put the matter before the Lord and adjust accordingly. Do what you can, when you can, and don’t beat yourself up if there’s literally no other way to get what you need.
Case in point: Adobe pays for employee’s abortions, but there may be no option to replace the software they’ve ingrained in our systems. When I publish my next book, I’ll need to submit the manuscript to the printer in either PDF or Adobe Illustrator format, both by Adobe. Is there a solution to that quandary? I haven’t found one. If you know of any, please let me know.
Another example: My son was recently searching for a particular threading he needed on a bolt for his motor bike. He checked online and at three stores before reluctantly having to buy it from Alaska Industrial Hardware, a local supplier that we stopped using after they forced employees to get the jab.
Again, you do what you can when you can, and don’t beat yourself up if you’re stuck with no other options.
Be Weird
“What do you say to people who think you’re crazy for not shopping for the best bargain?”
“Easy. I tell them I don’t give money to people who hang with pedophiles. But maybe I’m weird that way. So be it.”
As more and more businesses get gobbled up by massive, multi-national corporations (MNCs), we’re left with minimal options. When others see us scrambling to avoid the convenience of big box stores or online behemoths that everyone else uses, they scratch their heads. They don’t get it, and they think we’re silly. Be okay with that. Pray and move along. Or, if appropriate, use it as an opportunity to talk about things like child exploitation and slave labor.
We need to keep in mind that most of the people we associate with aren’t aware that 99% of consumer products are made by enslaved Christians, Uyghur Muslims, and Falun Gong members in China. Nor do they understand the intermingled tentacles of MNCs who control the media, elections, and legislators at all levels of government. Those efforts toward subverting liberty are funded by the products we buy and the media we consume.
I’ve got three places to get lumber in my town, and two of them are owned by Blackrock. Who owns your bank? Are they in league with those who seized accounts of Canadian truckers who protested the Covid injections? GoFundMe sabotaged their legal defense efforts and PayPal threatened to fine people who spread “misinformation.” Facebook is actively colluding to steal elections, smear patriotic Americans, protect pedophiles, subvert Christian messages, and censor free speech, yet that’s where most of my friends and pastors choose to communicate.
Mom and pop stores who’ve been around for generations are being forced to compete with next-day Prime delivery of cheap Chinese products everyone seems to want. There aren’t many hardware stores selling made in USA hammers, even though there are several brands available. When will all of this cease, and what can we do about it today?
Choosing Winners and Losers
There are a few things we can do right away to have an impact.
Check out the business you frequent, and find out who and what they support: If it’s a clothing store, check to see if they sell groomer attire. If it’s a restaurant, see if they have propaganda on the walls. If it’s online, dig through their site and see what they’re promoting on the nested pages. You might be surprised to find your favorite online bookseller also sells pornographic instructional books for children.
Speak To Owners: If every person who’s repulsed by the zombie-themed rifle targets or “celebrate diversity” flags mentions it to management, the owners might reconsider how valuable that product is toward increasing their customer base. Sales matter, and no manager wants to see dollars walking out the door. Let them know what you think and give them a chance to address it.
Bypass Amazon: You can almost always buy the item you seek straight from the manufacturer’s website. I usually check the Amazon listing to see reviews for items I want to buy, then I order them direct from those businesses and eliminate the middle-man. I’ve gotten Made in USA work gloves in this manner when all I could find at Lowe’s were Made in China ones. I found hot water bottles made in Germany when Amazon only had cheap China ones, and gun parts made in Missouri by a lovely Christian business, all at reasonable prices. Get creative and shop around.
Buy Second Hand: Thrift stores, local classifieds, Poshmark, and Ebay might be the best option out there. Ebay is a grey area; it isn’t perfect, but peer-to-peer transactions avoid the big box stores. Yes, Ebay gets a cut of the profits, but you’re still putting money in Joe in Tallahassee’s wallet (for example) instead of Jeff Bezos’. From a freedom standpoint, Ebay stopped carrying Confederate flags a few years back, yet they still carry Bonnie Blue Flags and other CSA battle flags. They pulled Dr. Suess’ And to Think I Saw it on Mulberry Street, yet they still sell DVDs of Gone With The Wind. Again, pray and act accordingly.
Consider Alternative Platforms: Ditch commie and groomer friendly platforms like Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, and Whats App in favor of freedom-loving ones like Telegram, Truth Social, Gab, and Discord.
Buy Made In USA: Here’s a list you might want to bookmark.
Find Alternative Products: For every LGBTQ Crayola there is a Stockmar, for every Usborne books there is a Tuttle Twins. Shop around and find the businesses who share your values.
You Get What You Pay For
It’s an old saying that survives because it’s true. Normally we say it when trying to decide between two products of unequal quality, but it’s also true regarding the peripheral issues these companies support. If you’re opposed to abortion, you might consider that Kroger, Starbucks, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Nordstroms, Fred Meyers, and dozens of others (and nearly every tech giant) pay for employee abortions.
If you’re opposed to forced vaccinations you should probably know that Walmart’s major shareholder is Bill Gates, and that his worldwide sterilization efforts have made him billions, with Walmart cashing in like gangbusters since the clot shot hit their shelves.
If Amazon is your go-to source for books, car parts, electronics, and all things hard to find, you’re not alone. I used to shop for everything there until I realized it was destroying small business in America, and on the backs of tortured Christians, to boot.
Want to eat nutritious food or drink tea not laced with chemicals and made from unspecified proportions of bugs? You might want to find out what the “protein” listed on the ingredient label refers to. Either that, or stop buying food out of a box.
All of this is annoying. It’s much easier to just throw up our hands and say, “Whatever. I’m too busy to research all of this. I just need to get this part to fix my truck and get to work tomorrow.”
I can relate to that. Again, do what you can, where you can. No shame.
Sometimes we’re constrained by circumstances and just need to get the job done, the kids fed, or the right equipment purchased for the job. If you can’t find a tent made in the USA, it doesn’t mean you should break your promise to take the kids camping.
But most of the time our private purchasing decisions are a matter of laziness, apathy, and wanting to save a buck. Doing the homework will complicate your habits and sometimes cost you more money. But is it worth it to find out where your money is going and what it’s enabling? I can tell you who says it’s not worth the hassle to do the research: Costco, Target, Amazon, Apple, Nike, etc.
Just buy the darn shoes, lady, or get out. And did you see our commercials signaling how much we hate white people, and why your kid should mutilate his/her/its genitals? That will be $200. Thank you very much.
I once sat in a meeting with the NW regional manager for Costco Wholesale. He was bragging about how Costco’s fair-trade program protected coffee growers in Africa. I raised my hand and asked if they applied the same protections to the factories producing Kirkland Signature products in China. He paused and gave me a death stare, then said, “Yes,” and quickly moved on to his next humble brag slide in the presentation. It was a lie and we both knew it, and he didn’t want the people in that room asking any follow up questions.
Where we spend our time and treasure should reflect our values. We made hard choices to ditch a family practice physician, a chiropractor, and a gym because they followed policies that harm the physical and mental health of the community. It’s not okay, and they need to know it.
Is all of that so weird? Isn’t it weirder to financially support organizations that mock your deeply held convictions? Isn’t it worse to subscribe to a streaming service with softcore pedophile porn on its featured page?
I’m not sure what to do about Visa, the company my bank uses, but I’m looking into it. I know I don’t want to continue doing business with companies like Visa and Discover Card who whisper our purchase history to federal agents conducting witch hunts against patriots. On a related note: Listen up, Fedboy! I’m buying that Gadsden Flag today, and I’m going to fly it on January 6th next year. So stuff it.
Mental Illness
Your friends might wonder why you’d reject a restaurant just because you noticed an LGBTQ flag in the window.
“Isn’t it about the food, and aren’t they just being inclusive to all patrons?” they might ask.
I wonder if they’d still eat there if instead of posting a flag the restaurant posted a sign stating the quiet part out loud:

That’s what the LGBTQ flag stands for. Do you really want to enrich businesses that celebrate that movement? What if it that café had a Playboy bunny sticker in the window? Or a MAGA sign? Freedom means voting with your pocketbook.
Stepping Out
While in Sofia, Bulgaria, we kept getting recommendations for a restaurant chain in town. Family friendly, they called it. One day while desperate for air conditioning, we ducked in to try it out. As soon as we sat down, we realized we were in a Bulgarian version of Hooters minus the chicken wings. There was even a picture of Hugh Heffner on the wall in our booth. We booked it out of there because we don’t hang in places that urinate on our values.
Sometimes it’s easy to spot the messaging, other times it takes effort to locate who’s pulling the strings. It’s a fact of life that you may not know what a business stands for until they spray it in your face. When that happens, we need to ask ourselves how badly we need this product or service in our lives.
Every week it seems we’re subjected to a new crop of dastardly alliances as globalists pay homage to demons. And that’s what they’re doing when they put “pride” flags in their windows. It may seem like an outward gesture of inclusion, but there is a major difference between loving your neighbor and celebrating their unhealthy choices. Acquiescing to their confused identity is tantamount to hating your neighbor, because they’re not just harming themselves physically and spiritually, they’re normalizing evil; and so are the companies that celebrate it, and so are the patrons who accept it.
Step out, and let them know it matters.
It’s no random quirk of history that all of this is metastasizing in our lifetimes. We were placed here because God knows that this generation – the one who prepared to fight communists dropping from the sky in grade school, and the last generation who memorized the Pledge of Allegiance – has the gumption to fight against this encroaching collectivism. Communists want to break down the specificity ordained by nature and nature’s God that makes us unique, flourishing in an identity He created in the womb. They perpetuate evil cloaked in diversity and inclusion, aiming to pervert that identity, with our children in its crosshairs.
We can stop them in their tracks and raise up a generation of Americans who know their identity in Christ and reject messages designed to confuse it. We can subvert them by sidestepping their products, and bankrupt their efforts at slipping evil agendas into our culture. We just need to learn how to recognize them, and make the inconvenient adjustments to reject them.
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