I was a decent volleyball player; not great, decent. As a big middle blocker, I could crush a low-set ball over the center of the net. Men’s regulation volleyball nets are set at eight feet, and it took me a lot of training to generate the leg strength and arm swinging momentum necessary to hit the ball accurately at that height. That’s how athletes train, by learning the mechanics of the game given the science of their body type.
But a women’s volleyball net is lower, 7’ 4” to be exact. I could crush it on a women’s net with hardly any effort at all. I could have gotten a scholarship in the women’s league, but they didn’t allow that when I grew up. It’s why men’s and women’s sports have different parameters; it’s simply not fair otherwise. Worse, it’s dangerous.
That’s not to say low level competition can’t pit men and women against one another. I played with girls in pee-wee soccer, and I’ve been schooled by women on the hockey rink at times. Those are exceptions reserved for recreational play. There’s not a mature male hockey player alive who would deliver a full-speed check on young lady unless he’s a monster. But monsters are what we should rightly call these mentally ill men who insist on shattering women’s sports records and the institution of women’s sports along with them.
You might have had an outdoor basketball court at your elementary school. Those basketball courts are designed for little guys, with nets much lower than adult regulations. My teenage buddies and I would sometimes go to those elementary school courts and do fancy dunks all day that we could never accomplish on a regulation basket. I was never able to dunk, but I could on a court designed for kids, because I had an advantage disproportionate to my body type and unsuitable to the playing field. It would have been unfair and dangerous for us to interject ourselves into a kid’s game in-progress.
In sports, the hard reality of science sets the rules, and the rules are different for men and women. Sorry. If you have a problem with that, take it up with God and Isaac Newton.
In 2016 Nike championed a woman pretending to be a man called Chris Mosier as the world’s first transgender Olympian. Except she couldn’t compete with the most elite biological males and never made the team. Going back to the drawing board, Nike decided to take the easier route, placing men in women’s swimsuits. Of course, the wannabe female runners still wear men’s track shoes. But I digress.
As with most things dependent on scientific reality, ignore the rules and you’ll learn the hard way. Gravity doesn’t care if you identify as a bird, the science will determine the facts. Unimaginably though, the sports world is ignoring the science and the facts, and is forcing women into a literally unwinnable situation. When they balk, they’re told to play along or deal with the consequences. Sometimes they’re even assaulted physically, certainly psychologically. It needs to stop. Who will stop it?
Swimmer Riley Gaines is one of the few women athletes willing to stand up to the collective insanity of handing biological men like Will Thomas a trophy in a woman’s event. He’s a man, regardless of whether a mind-dead populace thinks he is or not. Just like lackluster runners Craig Telfer and Terry Miller, unimpressive volleyball player Rodrigo AbreuI or habitually losing MMA fighter Boyd Burton, who made a name for himself breaking women’s skulls in the ring. A women’s right to compete on a level playing field used to be something left-leaning feminists claimed to champion. They lied.
A few brave women still hold to that ideal. Joining Riley Gaines is champion surfer Bethany Hamilton, who recently announced she’s boycotting any event where the decks are stacked against women:
Unfortunately, very few prominent women are echoing them. They need support and articulate voices from those with major platforms.
On a recent episode of sports podcast Crain & Company, three men agreed that if the sports world intends to right this ship, it’s going to require prominent female athletes stepping up to the helm. That’s true, but it’s also a convenient pillar for cowardly Christian athletes to hide behind as practically zero upper echelon male athletes or coaches are even willing to touch this topic.
Are they more afraid of the liberal backlash than they are of their daughters being victimized?
Are they more concerned about sponsors and contracts than they are about their wives’ safety at the gym or bathroom? There are only two explanations to account for the silence on the part of the Christian sports elite: apathy or cowardice. Either way, they need to man up.
Ben Rothlisberger is transparent about a Christian’s duty in combating pornography. What does he have to say about any of this? Terry Bradshaw is quick to pull out his Bible at times. Does he have a problem with men bashing in women’s skulls in the name of gender neutrality? I’d like to hear Kurt Warner’s and Clayton Kershaw’s takes on girls sharing locker rooms with beefy male swimmers. Tony Dungy isn’t afraid of the LGBTQ mafia. Where is Tim Tebow? Russell Wilson? Steph Curry has made a point of fighting for female athletes with scholarships. Will his foundation award them to men decimating women on the basketball court when the time comes?
On August 30, 1995, Nike ran a commercial titled “Let Me
Play.” It featured little girls extolling the benefits of young ladies being
active in sports:
“If you let me play sports, I’ll have more self-confidence.”
“If you let me play sports, I’ll be less likely to be influenced by gang
“If you let me play sports, I’ll will suffer less depression.”
“If you let me play sports, I’ll be more likely to leave a man who beats me.”
The ad closes with girls repeating, “If you let me play sports, I will know what it means to be strong.”
Undoubtedly, Riley Gaines’ and Bethany Hamilton’s parents saw that commercial and took its wisdom to heart. Who could have imagined that less than a generation later the same company that sponsored the message would be subjugating the very girls they once inspired? Nowadays, if you let your little girl play sports, she is likely to end up in a locker room with a naked man staring at her undress, and later forced to watch a gold medal placed on his neck for beating her.
I’ve been tackling this topic from the sports angle but this really isn’t about sports at all. It’s about standing aside while men abuse women. Drench it in whatever sauce is most palatable, but it’s still a plate of dog vomit, and they persecute, even violently attack anyone who refuses to lap it up. Pretending men are women isn’t about world records and fleeting titles most people couldn’t care less about.
This is about cowardly men forcing millions of young ladies to undress in front of a full-grown naked man.
It’s about your wife, mother, or sister having to worry about a predator in her gym or following her into the bathroom just because he wants to. It’s about sanctioning sexual trauma against little girls who just want to learn how to swim, but are instead given a crash course in male genitalia without parental consent.
This is abuse. And I’m calling out every coach and athlete unwilling to acknowledge it. That means you Mike Tomlin, Andy Reid, and Deion Sanders. Do Patrick and Brittany Mahomes want their baby girl to grow up in a world that forces her to undress with men if she wants to play collegiate soccer like her mom? Make your choice today, men. You may not get another chance.
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