Declarations: A Nation At War With Its Own People

You’ve likely seen an image of the Declaration of Independence. Have you ever studied the signatures at the bottom? We have a copy on a wall in our home and I look at it often. I used to think signing that document was a no-brainer for those guys. In my naivety I didn’t realize that stroking that parchment with the quill instantly branded them enemies of the crown, while residing in a royal territory. With one swift stroke they went public as rebels – insurrectionists, if you will – overtly committing treason and not trying to hide it. They were willing to publicly call a tyrant a tyrant and were willing to face the consequences.  

Man, kind of risky. Eh?

They signed their names fully aware of the potential cost in treasure, reputation, or even life and limb. They did it anyway, because courage is contagious, and they banked on the fact that liberty is a cause free people would be willing to join them in fighting for.

Here we are, two hundred years later, and I wonder if that’s still true about America. Are there very many people – leaders especially – willing to come out of the closet and call out the tyrannical Federal regime for what it’s doing? Are there even that many Americans who know about it?

Much of the nation and especially the church is clueless about the fact that freedom is being trampled on daily without the slightest pushback. Even more discouraging is the fact that some of those aware of disintegrating individual rights are so apprehensive of being labeled “domestic terrorists” that they’re unwilling to mention it. They’d rather disassociate from hard topics and substantive conversations, hoping everything will all just get better eventually– maybe after the primaries, the mid-terms, the latest lawsuit, or court case.

“Maybe we’ll win the next one,” they say, “and get our guy in office. He’ll make it all better.”

Tell that to voters in Wasilla, Alaska who elected David Eastman in a landslide so large that even the rigged machines couldn’t steal it; he’s now forced to defend his right to office against a private busybody not even residing in his district. Representative Eastman is being attacked for associating with an organization that ignoramuses disapprove of. It’s absurd but it’s also treacherous considering that for some undefined reason he’s being denied a jury trial by an activist judge reveling in his own self-appointed omnipotence.

Still think elections will fix matters? Still think the system will correct itself? Still think you can sail along, praying and hoping for the best while good men and women are being persecuted, tortured, and besmirched for their political beliefs?

Maybe most of us can skate through this dark period of history for a spell but we can’t do it forever. A time is coming, and it may be coming very soon when all of us are going to have to deal with it. Many are trying to hide their loyalties, but some things you just can’t hide. You can try for a length of time but eventually, in the end, each of us face issues that require action. They need dealt with while there’s still time.

We understand this concept of keeping short accounts when it comes to things like vehicle repair, or arguments with spouses, or financial errors. We deal with those things fast, while there’s still a chance that exposing them to the light of day might make a difference, perhaps even save lives, marriages, or our bottom line. Why don’t we hold that same perspective in dealing with issues destroying our nation?

Sometimes dealing with those issues (in marriage, in ministry, in business) means going public with damning admissions or evidence. And that might mean exposing yourself to ridicule or censure or worse. America, and the church, needs men and women who are bold enough to do just that, regardless of the consequences. They need men like David Eastman and Jeremy Brown.

Have you ever heard of Jeremy Brown? His house was raided by the FBI and local police on warrant for a misdemeanor. They turned off their body cameras, disabled Jeremy’s multiple security cameras, and spent eight hours doing Lord knows what in his house. Eventually they “found” a tactical vest with two grenades in his motorhome. Two grenades that had DNA, fibers, and hair that didn’t belong to Brown or his house. They had dog hair stuck to tape that didn’t match Jeremy’s dog. They found classified documents with no explanation about how Jeremy would have gotten them or what he did with them.

The case of David Eastman, Jeremy Brown, the J6ers, and countless others that most people have never heard about are some of the most important issues facing the country right now. It goes to the very heart of American freedom, a concept slipping away with every uncontested encroachment.

Are you beginning to wonder about a government that kicks in doors and searches a home for hours in violation of the fourth amendment on the basis of misdemeanors? Are you getting concerned about judges who enable them to trample the rights our founding fathers – the men who signed that declaration – sacrificed so much to earn you?

We recognize the urgency of telling a friend when their taillight is out. We can’t ignore the need to remove a pastor for moral failures. Why is it so hard for us to make declarations about Constitutional rights being tossed onto the bonfire? Why is it controversial to point out that election machines are designed for fraud and easier to hack than your “smart” thermostat? That’s a fact so universal that even YouTube doesn’t censor it anymore.

Vaxxed individuals have been suddenly dying for unexplained reasons for two years. Are we going to discuss that? Seems like one of those issues that the church should talk about.

Hundreds of Americans are languishing in D.C. prisons for years now without trial for misdemeanors. Are they on their own? Or should we be writing them, visiting them, encouraging them, and caring for their families?  

Children are being trafficked at astronomic rates. The guardianship of thousands of orphans is being granted to cartels and traffickers. Yep, that’s actually happening. Who’s discussing it?

Notice how hard those issues are to research? Go ahead and try. Your search engine will likely take you to a dead-end designed to placate your curiosity. The perpetrators of evil are counting on the fact that most of us don’t dig deeper, and when we do, we don’t like to get loud about things that matter. We’d rather keep our beliefs to ourselves so as not offend someone, or to stay out of the spotlight in a political climate teeming with guard towers and snipers waiting to pluck off those “nasty insurrectionists” or “disinformation spreaders” in whatever form they dare expose themselves. Or maybe they’re counting on us to self-sterilize by crouching objective realties in terms like “but that’s just my belief, anyway.” Facts are not opinions, and we don’t need minimalize them as such.

Those in power and their highly paid talking heads adore shallow thinkers controlled through fear, repetition, or distraction. When necessary, they intimidate to silence. They attack the bold, mitigate them, and memory hole them faster than a woke pastor will jump on Amazon for a two-for-one deal on skinny jeans.

Don’t be like them. Be bold. Do the research. Get out and spread the news.

We can write letters to those political prisoners who need to know they still live in a nation that cares about them. We can prepare sermons, write books, and bring these issues up at prayer meetings. We can start websites to raise funds and sound alarms. We can sign our names to declarations affirming our rights and duties. And we need to do so before the remaining patriots disappear into that dark abyss the enemy denies the existence of.

God did not design you to make agreements with fear. He designed you to make heroic efforts about the things He puts on your heart. Set captives free and stand in the gap. What are the issues He’s putting on your heart these days? Write them down and pray about how He would have you serve – radically, emphatically, fearlessly without obsessing over the cost. Aren’t you grateful people like William Wilberforce, Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King Jr., Susan B. Anthony, and Harriet Tubman didn’t play it safe in order to be popular? Aren’t you glad that the Underground Railroad operated in spite of the consequences to its conductors? We look back on those things and cheer the courage of our predecessors.

Well, friends, we’re in a similar situation today and we need to stop pretending we’re not.

Thomas Paine would have been kicked off Facebook in a heartbeat. Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry would have been at the Capitol on January 6th, and John Adams wouldn’t have given a rip about losing a few thousand followers. Elizabeth Cady Stanton would have been canvasing the voter logs while homeschooling her kids along the way. (In fact, I’m pretty sure she did.)

As a point of order, let me pause to say I recognize that there are probably some out there working behind the scenes, observing and cataloging our current predicament for action later. For those invaluable men and women, standing up on a soapbox now might jeopardize a greater victory down the road. To them I say stay the course, pray, and trust to His timing and provision.

But even they will one day need to make that hard decision about whether to pick up that quill and sign on the bottom of the next declaration, the one that says this far and no farther, regardless of the consequences. In the meantime, we can support and speak about men like David Eastman, and contribute to his legal defense. We can discuss the case of Jeremy Brown and make sure the FBI and other corrupt law enforcement agencies can’t just play by their own rules. We can demand our judges uphold their oaths instead of legislating from the bench.

You never know what fate will befall courageous actions in a just cause. We need to start that journey by obeying the ultimate authority and keeping our eyes on Him.

Many of those original signers of the Declaration of Independence paid a heavy price. Some were bankrupted, imprisoned, and killed. Yet others went on to become renowned statesmen, and a couple even became U.S. Presidents. The titans of those days were adamant about the things God placed on their hearts and on their plates, and we need to be likewise.

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Please consider contributing to the legal defense fund of David Eastman, a true patriot standing for freedom.

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Featured Image: The Assembly Room, in which the United States Declaration of Independence and Constitution were drafted and signed, at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Used by Permission under Creative Commons license. Unaltered.