I know how you feel. You’re watching the political ads and wondering why anyone bothers to play the game knowing that our election process is little more than a third-world façade. You’ve been researching, sharing, and exposing election fraud for two years to a tone-deaf audience who cares little and understands less. You know that the election machines in multiple states are programmed with a pre-determined result and you’re asking yourself, “Why bother?”
You’re sitting there looking at the choices on a ballot knowing full-well that most of them are either overt or covert globalist operatives or compromised by them. You’re getting bombarded by ads from big money interest groups that masterfully prey on the masses, and you’re annoyed and disheartened because you can see evidence of their success.
You’ve lost respect for the leaders you once supported and don’t trust those seeking to replace them.
You hear friends and family enthusiastic over a victorious wave about to wash over our nation, but you shrug wondering why this crop of politicians will be any different than their predecessors. How many of them even mentioned political prisoners in D.C., a weaponized Federal Government, or the stolen 2020 election on the campaign trail? But they’re going to fix this mess?
You see the absurdity of our predicament and wonder how any of this happened in America. You’re ready to hole up somewhere and disengage. You want your country back and feel helpless in how to save it, so why vote? Why join in the charade? It’s a lost cause, right?
Maybe. But fight anyway.
It may be that your vote will dissolve within the carefully set and remotely adjusted algorithms, your ballot altered or discarded by hardware controlled by a single person with a cell phone, and a corrupt official will sweep it all under a rug, just like last time.
Vote anyway. Why? Because screw them, that’s why.
Force them to steal and cheat to silence you. Overwhelm their code and send them scrambling at 3:00am like last time, so afraid of losing they forget all the cameras you’ve installed. Make their guilty faces notorious, their names – like Coomer, Freeman, and Biden – synonymous with evil and deceit. With every crime they commit, they add another charge to their own indictment. Make them endure the cold sweat of a closet bursting with skeletons. Force them into that prison they’re building around themselves, even if for now they only suffer its cold confines in the silence of sleepless nights.
God knows, and so do they. The light will shine in the darkness, and they will not overcome it. Even if for a season it appears that it might. Face them, fight them, and force them to stick every available finger into the cracking dike barely holding back the storm surge of patriots.
Pray, vote, and let the chips fall where they may. Then get up the next day and fight them again. That’s how wars are won.
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