There is a goofy saying among writers (my wife says it’s Hemingway): Write drunk, edit sober. We say it and give a little chuckle, even those of us who haven’t been drunk in over twenty years. It’s a rule of thumb that prevents the raw emotions we bleed onto the keyboard from making it onto the screen. While I don’t drink, I do get angry upon occasion, and the same concept applies. I try not to write when I’m angry. But right now, I’m angry, and I need to get this out. Treason has a way of making me angry – that, and the indifference of those responsible for it.
As a Christian I’m supposed to do all things in love. I’m also supposed to speak truth, and some of you need to hear some truth. Hopefully it will be administered in love.
I’m angry that Americans and Afghans are being left for dead in Afghanistan.
I’m angry that private citizens are left to mount rescue missions because their military leaders were told to stand down.
I’m angry that these rescue planes were denied clearance to land, that US passport-holding citizens were turned away at the Kabul airport gates, and that the government knew an attack was imminent, had a drone with the target locked and did nothing to prevent it.
I’m angry that female Afghanis are being stoned to death, that young women are being sold as sex slaves, that families are being separated and murdered by Taliban going door-to-door, that 109 helicopters were handed over terrorists, and that they’re being used to parade across the city.
I could keep going because there are a hundred things going on that should make every American – and especially every Christian – get up and start making some noise. This is evil, unleashed and dancing in the streets. We’ve been seeing it all year, here and over there, and it didn’t have to be this way.
Maybe Afghanistan isn’t on your radar. Or if it is, maybe you’re just taking in the spoon-fed narrative offered up by the fraudulent administration and the media masters who put it there. If that’s you, I have a word for you: Think.
Think about what they’ve done to America and Afghanistan. Think about what they’re doing to your children, your bodies, your communities, and your livelihoods. Think of what they convinced you of against your God-given better judgement and the scripture you should be reading, like forcing children to do things against the wishes of their parents. Think about what is happening in Australia, France, Ireland, and Afghanistan. Do you even know? Do you know what Americans have done in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and elsewhere to protect you from the monsters who want you dead?
Maybe you’ve never heard of Roberts Ridge, or Jason Cunningham. Maybe you’ve never heard about Mike Murphy, Matthew Ford and Koshtay, the Wardak province, Adam Brown, or the Jugroom Fort. Maybe you’ve not yet heard of Marine Sergeant Nicole Gee’s recent post, captioning an August 20th picture of her cradling an infant, “I love my job.” She was killed in Afghanistan 6 days later.

These warriors died to protect you and your families from the very monsters who were just handed 300,699 pieces of the most advanced and/or sophisticated military equipment money could buy, and your tax dollars paid for it.

There is a word for that: treason.
Did you know that there are only three crimes specifically mentioned in the U.S. Constitution? Piracy, counterfeiting, and treason. These were so important that the founders wanted them enshrined in the founding document, insulated from the changing laws of the day because they demand justice.
“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them[the United States], or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”
Constitution of the United States: Article III Section 3
The Biden Administration has provided aid and comfort to America’s enemies. They need to be held accountable, and you and I need to demand it. The blood of thousands of American and allied troops require it.
Are you listening? Are you getting angry at what I’m writing? Or are you hearing about this for the first time?
On November 3rd 2020, some of you walked into a voting booth and chose to hand the presidency to a man who couldn’t put two coherent sentences together. That was on you; own it like you would any other mistake. I’ve made plenty myself.
When I was a stupid kid I voted for Bill Clinton in 1996. I don’t even remember who I voted for in 2016, I was only concerned with making sure it wasn’t Trump or Hillary. I was wrong, and so were you.
I don’t say that to shame you because we all make mistakes. But you need to hear it, so I’m here to tell you. Joe Biden – or perhaps the people who are controlling him – are systematically destroying America. It’s up to We the People to stop them. One of ways we can stop them is to audit the election to reveal whether Joe Biden actually won, but that can come later. First and foremost, we must call a traitor a traitor, and make it stick.
If rhetoric like that makes you cringe, then you’re either not paying attention or you are accomplice to it. I’ve been saying this for over a year, but I’ll repeat it again: You need to choose a side.
I’ve read some recent commentary from Christians espousing the need to listen to the other side to try to learn where they’re coming from. Folks, that ship has sailed. You don’t need to understand those who support evil unless it’s with a goal of defeating their agenda. Unless you’re engaged in that fight, then tune them out. They’ll dissuade you from understanding the truth that stands in the light of the One True God. They may even get you to defend tyrants or vote for them. Don’t fall for it. There is only one thing you/we need to do: Defeat them.
The other option is to double down on the mistakes you voted for – mistakes that Americans can only willfully ignore. But ignore them many will. Many will scroll on to the easy, happy posts about flowers and football. They’ll use the internet to take masked selfies over restaurant food they’re allowed to experience in person owing to their vax status, instead of fighting to save their country.
America, like every other nation, is filled with those who are all too quick to trade liberty – even all of their liberty – for a few hours of twaddle.
But the majority of Americans are piping mad. They didn’t vote for this, and they know it didn’t have to be this way. It still doesn’t. We need to get to work in rectifying that wrong. It’s going to take some moxie from all of us to expose the fraudsters and their powerful collaborators. It’s going to take time, discernment, and a few stepped-on toes to make it right, but it’s worth it. Those men and women who sacrificed in Afghanistan, those women and girls being sold to sweaty, bearded men, deserve it. They deserve better than an American people who sit idly by while the once-free world is governed by cowards and fools.

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Featured Image: U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Todd Collins interacts with Afghan children near Patrol Base Atull in Helmand province, Afghanistan, on Nov. 20, 2011. Collins was assigned to the 9th Engineer Support Battalion, 2nd Marine Logistics Group Forward. Marines from the 7th and 9th engineer support battalions were in the area to build bridges.