“I am an essential worker,” the old man said as the soldiers took by the arms and removed him from the work detail.
From Schindler’s List, 1992
“Oh, you’re essential, eh,” the soldiers laughed.
“I work for Oskar Schindler,” the man said growing concerned.
“Oh, an essential worker for Oskar Schindler,” the soldiers mocked. “A one-armed Jew. Twice as useless,” the soldier said before taking the old man aside and putting a bullet in his head.
That was a long time ago — Kraków, Poland, 1940 to be exact — but it could have been yesterday, because people are being dragged out of line by heavy-handed authorities all over the globe, asserting their hegemony over the complacent masses and sorting them into arbitrary groupings. It’s not new to history. It’s also not normal, or right, but if you want to control a population, things are going to get messy. As for the bullets to the head…we’ll get to that.
In April of 1940, the General Government (Nazi occupiers) in Poland began relocating 50,000 Jews from the city of Kraków in order to “cleanse” the neighborhood. They were put into a quarantine area known as the Kraków Ghetto. At first the move was voluntarily, but stringent, and those who complied were allowed to take 62.5 lbs of their possessions. Jews that were still residing in Kraków by December were deemed economically useful (essential) and they had to obtain a residence permit that had to be renewed each month.
For years I’ve been telling some of my older kids that we need to watch Schindler’s List as part of their history studies. They’re no strangers to the Holocaust; they’ve read plenty of books on the subject over the years (The Hiding Place, Twenty and Ten, The Diary of Anne Frank) but Schindler’s List gives perhaps the best perspective on the incremental nature of what became the greatest atrocity in history up until that time, and it rams home an oft-repeated message about totalitarianisms: Never again.
Never again would we allow dictatorial monsters to determine which of us are essential and which of us need to stay in quarantine the ghetto. Never again would we sit idly by while the non-compliant were wrestled away. Never again would we let them erase our art, literature, and history, and heap our creative works on the bonfire of purification. Never again would we allow them to close our places of worship, let injustice run rampant, and let fear silence us into submission.
Never again would we submit to wearing a piece of cloth on our bodies, and accept the idea of carrying papers to justify our movements.
Never again.
It sounded so noble — that is, until standing on that principle was tried, and so quickly discarded and justified under the pretense of minding our own business.

And now we know how the Holocaust happened, and how it can happen again — unless we stop it, assuming we still have time.
“But wait,” you might say. “Carting off some dweeb for not wearing a mask is a far cry from killing six million people with deadly toxins.”
I’ll grant you that, if you can tell me what the long-term risk factors and societal effects are for mandating the population into taking a hastily produced, unstudied vaccine and distributing it worldwide. Ordinarily I’d give you a few years to make good on this wager but amazingly we don’t need even that long. People are already dying.
But not in Israel, right? Surely the Jews of all people would never allow their nation to be subjugated by a few globalists in white coats and expensive suits. Surely they’re fighting back against this forced vaccination madness.
Nope, not at all. It might surprise you that Israel is among the most Covid restrictive nations on earth. With a government goal of 100% vaccination saturation, Israeli leaders are suggesting that those who refuse the vaccine:
- Will be denied a certificate enabling freedom of movement, especially flying abroad;
- Will be required to quarantine upon return from abroad;
- May not enter cinemas or other cultural establishments;
- Will be denied entry to hotels;
- Will not be permitted use of gyms or entry to sporting events.
For now the vaccination push is voluntary but stringent. They’re sticking arms all over the world, and in Israel they’re even giving away free slices of pizza or other goodies for those willing to comply. Not to mention Israelis, like many others, are constantly forced to wear a little piece of cloth over their faces, or else! At least it’s not an armband; we said we’d never do that again.
For all of my adult lifetime I’ve listened to globalists making the argument for population control. There are just too many people on the planet emitting too much CO2:
“First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent …”
Bill Gates, TED Talk Feb 20, 2010
Often this population control argument manifests itself in the need for abortion on demand (couched in the term reproductive services), and euthanasia of the elderly and chronically ill. There is a twisted logic employed by some powerful people that says those in nursing homes are not essential, and should be isolated to cleanse the community. And let’s make sure we get them that vaccination, but we still don’t want to let them loose. They’re not essential, after all.
In Schindler’s List, directly before the SS liquidate the Krakow ghetto, SS-Untersturmführer Amon Göth gives a speech to the troops tasked with carrying out the government’s orders.
“Today is history. Today will be remembered. Years from now, the young will ask with wonder about this day. Today is history, and you are part of it. Six hundred years ago, when elsewhere they were footing the blame for the Black Plague, Kasmierz the Great, so called, told the Jews they could come to Krakow. They came. They trundled their belongings into the city. They settled; they took hold; they prospered in business, science, education, the arts. They came here with nothing. Nothing. And they flourished. For six centuries, there has been a Jewish Krakow. Think about that. By this evening, those six centuries are a rumor. They never happened. Today is history.”
Amon Göth would have been impressed. He had to use guns and a battalion of SS storm troopers. Nowadays, people roll up their sleeves and take the toxins with a smile on their face while they use a napkin to dab the sauce off their chin from a free slice of pizza.
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