Evidence That Demands A Verdict: Then and Now

It was an ordinary summer evening in 1994. I’d just gotten home from a local pizza place with my sister, looking forward to eating some garlic cheese rolls and loafing in front of the TV. We walked in and the TV was tuned to a news station — an aerial shot of a white Ford Bronco being slowly pursued by a dozen cop cars on an L.A. freeway.

In the Bronco was O.J. Simpson, fleeing from justice after killing his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her boyfriend Ron Goldman, five days earlier. I watched but I wasn’t that interested. Guys who murder people flee from the cops, that’s nothing new. At eighteen years old I was much more concerned with the garlic rolls on my plate, or the sweet deal I’d just scored on a new pair of Adidas sneakers from an outlet mall a few days earlier.

O.J. was arrested, and that was that. As the summer went on I heard all of the evidence — it was hard to ignore the Trial of the Century, as it was called — and the case seemed clear cut. The sheer volume of physical evidence was overwhelming. Blood evidence was discovered everywhere (even inside O.J’s vehicle), DNA evidence was conclusive, a bloody glove was located, a cut on O.J.’s hand was consistent with a knife wound, shoe prints matched the size and style of O.J.’s shoes, a decade’s worth of domestic violence was on record…on and on the evidence mounted.

The case against O.J. Simpson included arguably the most comprehensive and complete body of incontrovertible evidence in American history. Thousands of killers had been convicted on a fraction of what they had against O.J. Simpson. He did it. Everyone knew he did it.

But that didn’t matter. O.J. was exonerated, and millions of Americans cheered.

Huh? What are they celebrating? Didn’t they see all of the same evidence I saw?

Yes, they did. The jury saw all of the evidence too and willfully disregarded it. They saw it as irrelevant...fake…and it was discarded. Why? Because they wanted him to be innocent, so they turned a blind eye to the tidal wave of evidence that proved him guilty.

Does any of this sound familiar?

As of this writing we now have 1,145 pieces of evidence that the 2020 election had massive voter fraud, with more coming in every day. We have 8000 pages of eyewitness affidavits from people who saw it with their own eyes in a single state. Add that to the thousands of others —- truck drivers, postal workers, IT technicians, state and local government officials, technological warfare specialists, forensic accountants, coders, etc… — all of them offering their unique expertise in sober analysis of the mountainous evidence of fraud.

Here is a concise summary of the issues at hand: https://x22report.com/aiovg_videos/unmasked-2020-election-fraud/

Here is an in-depth documentary Absolute Proof by Mike Lindell that unpacks the fraud in greater detail, including the foreign attack on our country’s election integrity. That is an act of war. https://michaeljlindell.com/

Some of the early videos that YouTube has yet to censor:

The evidence is overwhelming. It demands a verdict. But millions of Americans don’t care.

I don’t claim to understand any of the rationale that led the O.J. Simpson jurors to acquit him, but I do know this: it wasn’t based on a honest evaluation of the evidence. They simply ignored that, and at least one juror, Carrie Bess, went on record saying that around 90% of them acquitted him as payback for the Rodney King beating two years earlier.

Crimes were excused because a few people placed a higher priority on their desires than their integrity.

My oldest daughter is studying forensic science this year. She spent the first few months of the semester learning the basics of blood evidence, forensic anthropology, criminal investigation, DNA, toxicology, entomology, among other disciplines. Soon she had a good grasp on how a single piece of evidence can lead to a conviction. Then she got to the O.J. Simpson case.

As she was about to watch a video about it, I warned her. “It’s going to tick you off.”

“Why?” she asked.

“You’ll see.”

Later on I asked her, “So, what did you learn?”

She gave me a blank stare and shook her head, “How could they just choose to ignore all of that evidence?”

I didn’t know how they could ignore it then. I still don’t know how they can ignore it now.

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