Every Great Success Story

“Nobody thought we’d do this. Nobody really thinks it will work do they?”
“No. But you just described every great success story.”

This is one of my favorite scenes. I quoted it to my wife when we eloped all those years ago. I remember it daily as we continue walking in faith down foggy roads, waiting for that ding to give us a sense of security, but deep down knowing that true security is an illusion — at least in this world anyway.

For the risk takers.
For the dreamers.
For those who know the odds are stacked against them, and move forward anyway.
For those sitting in that place of uncertainty, working up the courage to do that thing, with countless naysayers aligned against them.
And, for my wife, who continues to be all of those things even when I’m not:

May you have joy as you step boldly into that adventure, and know it’s the beginning of your great success story.


Author: Vince Guerra

Vince Guerra is a writer, author, and homeschool father of eight. He writes weekly here and on Substack. He is the author of the Modern War series of books, available online wherever books are sold. He lives in Wasilla, Alaska.