Enter The Carpet Baggers: Protecting New Christians from the Spirit of Religion

People are coming to Jesus in droves. A great awakening is stirring and people are finding freedom all over the place, even prominent figures with huge online platforms. This harvest of new believers who are eager to learn more about Jesus and His ways is awesome. Yet it also presents a challenge

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Writing Matters: Homestead & How To Fix Cringy Content

“Christian cringey”is a term my wife and I use to describe the lackluster creative content our side has put out for decades. All writers need to understand what makes great stories take flight, and what causes them to crash and burn on take-off. If you’re a creative writer, this post will serve

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Prodigal Husbands: Hope For Restoring The Wounded Warriors

We have a funny term in our ministry circle for the way the Lord often operates: Jehovah Sneaky. By that we mean He frequently orchestrates events so that those with certain needs are miraculously paired with those who can meet them. Consequently, He often brings you people to minister to who are

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The Stupid Tax (& other things I wish I’d known about when I was younger)

Last week, I had a friend ask me for some book recommendations on a variety of topics. In typical writerly fashion, I immediately began overthinking the question. The next day, and owing to the 5 am meanderings of my wakeful brain, I soon had a thousand words I wanted to tell this

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Leave None Behind: Vaccine Injuries & the US Military

No organization on Earth is more wary of discussing the vaccine mandates and deadly consequences than the US military, and for good reason. The US military loves reports perhaps more than any other government agency, and has tens of thousands of people employed in writing them, with tens of thousands more sitting

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Hidden History: Accountability For The Military Industrial Complex

In the annals of American military history, there are thousands of stories, some heroic, some tragic. Some are more commonly known than others, like Quang Nam Province in Vietnam, or Pat Tillman’s story from Afghanistan. Others are more obscure, like the ambush in Tongo Tongo, Niger, or Navy SEAL candidate Kyle Mullen. All

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