Hidden History: Accountability For The Military Industrial Complex

In the annals of American military history, there are thousands of stories, some heroic, some tragic. Some are more commonly known than others, like Quang Nam Province in Vietnam, or Pat Tillman’s story from Afghanistan. Others are more obscure, like the ambush in Tongo Tongo, Niger, or Navy SEAL candidate Kyle Mullen. All

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My Final Election Article…Hopefully

I sincerely hope we aren’t faced with another drawn-out farce masquerading as an actual election, although since many of you have already voted that may already be the case. Hopefully those early ballots aren’t currently burning in a drop box, or getting “misplaced” by our lethargic diligent, corrupt exceedingly trustworthy election officials. But if

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Uncompromising: Finding Candidates Who Irritate The Swamp

We’re entering the home stretch of the election season with lies and misdirections coming fast and furious. Your preferred candidates may say all the right things on the stump, but do you know what they’ll do after the election, when those who bankrolled their campaigns come asking for favors? Will they stand

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